Chapter 34

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Kindra's P.O.V

"This is some fucking bullshit." Harry says as he stares at the tv.

It was a sunday. Meaning football was on, and apparently the team that was playing was Harry's favorite. We have been watching this for a about forty minutes. I don't really know nothing about football so I have been on my phone for most of it.

My mother was at church. Helping out over there. Ever since she lost her job, she's been going everywhere and applying for jobs. I rarely ever see her. But I'm used to it because that's how it always had been.

Harry threw his hands up in frustration. I'm guessing his team lost. The tv then was shut off by Harry, then he wrapped his arms around me, hiding his face in my chest.

"Next time babe." I try to comfort him.

He sighs and nods in my shirt. Then he sat up, standing up he stretched. His shirt pulled up a little bit, having me catch a glimpse of his abs.


I get up and wrap my arms around his waist. I kissed his back. I felt him his muscles get tensed then settle. He then turned himself and grab me holding me close.

"Damn. Kin, I just can't keep my hands off of you." He chuckles. He kisses my neck.

I back up. Not really ready for that yet. He seemed confused but I just kissed his cheek. Walking to the kitchen I leaned against the table thinking of what I should cook for supper. Harry walked in after. Standing beside me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Harry asks.

I sigh. "Supper."

He nodded then. Looking at the ground. He just stood there. Something was bothering him and I have no idea what that was. It was true he's been really clingy these last few days, but I mean he was always like that. I wonder what's on his mind.

Deciding just to call the local pizza place. I dialled the number and put out the order. While I was talking I would catch Harry looking at me. He would bite his lip every once in awhile. Eyeing me up and down. I just raised my eyebrow finishing the call.

"Pizza coming in about thirty minutes." I say.

He just nods. Always nodding, he looks like a freaking bobble head. I huffed and walk to the living room to wait for the pizza. I sat on the couch. Looking at the shut off tv. I felt someone behind me. Wondering what the heck is Harry up to now. I look behind me. He was looking at me. With something lingering in his eyes, that I couldn't lay a finger on.

"Kindra. Baby." He tries. He stood up straighter. Running his fingers through his hair.

"What's wrong Harry, you've been acting weird." I say.

He sniffs. Then sighs. "I want, no forget it." He backs away from the couch.

That's when I stand up and walk towards him.

"Harry, what?" I say. Crossing my arms I look at him. I want to know what's on his mind.

"Kindra. Ugh, Baby fuck it, I want you Kin. I mean more, I want to to-" He looks away clearly embarrassed.

I stood there. With my mouth wide open. So, that explains everything why he was so close. Why he kissed my neck. In his eyes were lust. He wanted me, not just how we were right now. But he wanted me.

I'm not ready. I can't. Ever since Louis, I am terrified. I wanted to with Harry but I'm afraid the memory will come back. I don't want it to come back.

"Harry, I can't." I say.

He sighs, shaking his head, then rubs at his eyes. "Yeah, you're right. When you are ready. I'm sorry Kin. I just love you so much, that I want to give you everything."

I walked to him and hug him."Oh, Harry but you do. I love you Harry as long as you are with me I'm the most luckiest girl in the world."

He tightens his arms around me. We stay there for awhile. Then the door bell rings. I break apart from Harry, kissing his cheek. I go to the door. Opening it I see the pizza delivery guy. He was cute. He had multiple colors in his hair, and looked like he could be a rock star.

"Here you go, miss." He hands me the pizza.

"Thank you um," looking at his name tag. "Michael." I smiled. Then hand him the money.

He waves me off then I shut the door. I was about to yell out to Harry that pizza was here. But I ran into him whilst before closing the door.

"Whoa." I laugh. He just smirks then follows me to the kitchen.

We sit down at the table and ate. Harry would occasionally kick at my feet and I would do it also. We laughed. When finished I put the leftovers away for mom, and Harry and I go up to my room.

"When are you ever going home?" I asked. Laying down on my bed.

"Why? Sick of me?" He gasps. Laying beside me.

"Yes." I tease. Laying away from him.

He growls pulling me back to face him. I giggle when he starts to pout.

"We are getting that apartment." He finally says.

I laugh. "Desperate are we."

He smiles. " I wanna be with you forever." He kisses my forehead.

"Okay Harold." I smile in his embrace.


Sorry for a short chapter. But this just popped in my head.

Though hint. Someone in this chapter you will see in the future *wink*

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his light % h.s.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora