Surprise visitor

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Sorry guys, I've been busy, I'm glad you all like it!! I'll be more punctual from now on :D

I hear my phone buzz. It's Ross.

'All still good for today right?'
I stare down at my phone, and slowly type in my response.
'yeah cool man'
That seems to be an appropriate response right? I click send and instantly regret it. I can feel his disapproving stare through the phone, ' that was so gay', he must be thinking that he has to be, no, no I'm over reacting... Running my fingers through my hair I throw my phone onto the lounge and listening for the soft thud as I walk away ignoring the text tone ringing across the room. The smell of shame, sweat and sex still lingers on my skin from the night before, burning my nostrils reminding me of my stupidity and desperation, all powering the one half assed moment. Feeling the need to be clean I head for my shower stripping my clothes off as I go. As I shower I notice several bite marks covering my body, I guess James had a bit of fun, lightly tracing the indents with my finger, I slowly start to remember wild night before'.


"I'm so exhausted" rubbing my temples trying to lull the splitting headache pulsing inside my skull, I reach into the cupboard and pull out some extra strong painkillers and swallow them down with a glass of wine. I usually don't like to drink but today, fuck it. Picking up the bottle and leaving the glass, I shuffle over to the TV and begin to flick through numerous channels taking a gulp of wine each time I change the channel. Holly was with Ross today at work, it's their anniversary and to celebrate they decided to spend the day together, the whole day together. Making Steam Train slightly annoying. Holly is wonderful and love Ross more than he knows but together they just make me so frightfully jealous, even Arin asked me if I was okay. It was so hard just to be normal, how do I pretend I'm not in love with my close friend?. I take a gulp of wine and place the almost empty bottle onto the table. Coming to the conclusion that there is nothing to watch, I switch the TV off and glance around the dark lonely room, that is filled with happy, cheery pictures of awesome moments at the grump space. I think I need to get away from all this, just for tonight, the pictures are constant reminders, reminders of Ross.
I slip into my bedroom and change into a clean white shirt and tidy black jeans. I pick up my leather jacket from the mound of clothes covering my floor and chuck it on, shoving the rest of the pile discretely under my bed and wander to the front door. Wallet, Keys and Phone, check, time to hit the bars.

After a long amount of time I reach a quaint little bar with bright lights beam from the building and music bursting out the doors as people come and go. Breathing in deeply I briskly hop from the taxi and pay the chatty driver handsomely. As I enter the bar I'm overwhelmed by the hoard of people filling each corner of the room, I'd been here several times but it was nothing like this. Pushing and squeezing my way through I make it to the bar and find a cosy seat, distant from the crowd. Hailing the bar tender, I decide to find out what's going on.
"Gez what's with the crowd?" I yell over the loud hum of music and people.
"Supposedly a celebrity was coming here tonight, they twittered it. Got no idea who though" The bartender yelled in response, placing a scotch on the table before hurrying off to his next customer. Of all the nights I choose. Bloody hell.
Daunted by the amount of people, I choose to sit by myself in silence and enjoy the scenery. I gaze intently down my drink and watch the ice melt in my now luke warm drink as the crowd slowly dissipates and the chairs around me begin to become vacant. Preparing to leave I take back my drink and place the correct money on the table, turning to stand I notice a young chap is sitting next to me. Which is surprising as most of the chairs are free. He turns to look at me and grins.
"Hey" He says casually, just loud enough that only I could just hear him.
"Hi" I answer him, mimicking his grin.
"I'm James"


I didn't even get to find out what celebrity was suppose to be there. Shaking my head I step out of the steamy shower and loosely wrap a towel around my hips. Remembering I received a message on my phone I go to retrieve it. Oh no, 2 missed calls.. from Ross! Scrabbling with the tiny buttons with my sticky fingers I open my newest message.
'I'll stop by your place around 9 so we can chat, that cool?'
No! No that is not 'cool', dropping my phone I bolt around the room, collecting the clothes I aimlessly threw around the room and wriggle my way into them. Examining the place I realise I'm doomed. It's an absolute mess with clothes and cigarette butts all over the place, Oh and a fresh wine stain on the carpet, brilliant. Letting out a sigh I decided to just frantically clean like mad and hope for the best. Which proves to be ineffective but makes the place look somewhat respectable.
Knock, knock, knock.
Shit, shit. It can't be nine he must be ear- wait, what did he mean by chat?
"HELLLLLO! Danny boy are you awake?" Ross bellows from the hall outside my door.
"Coming mate, gez give a man moment" I say in my sassiest tone, before gliding towards the door.
Opening it, I see Ross, standing awfully close pulling a stupid face, an attempt to scare me I assume but nothing could've scared me more than his surprise visit.
"Dude, it smells funky in here, you gotta open a window" Ross smiles at me, as he heads towards the window.
" Your hair looks more afro than usual Danny, did you fluff it up just for me?" Prying open the window Ross turns around and pulls a pouty face, causing me to chuckle.
"Yeah man, just for you" I say somewhat jokingly before attempting to look down at my phone naturally.
"So what did you wanna talk about?" I look up from my blank phone screen to see Ross, fidgeting with my now clear ash tray. Ross pay no attention to me, and proceeds to touch more of my things, moving them slightly or closely studying them.
"Dude?" I raise my voice.
"Oh yeah sorry, okay so Holly has this friend that's totally into you and Holly wants to know if you wanna go on like a double date?"
I swallow hard.
"Haha seriously, thought I said I wasn't into the whole dating scene anymore?"
"I know but she is just like you dude, and Holly is really keen" Ross moves incredibly close to me now and stares intently into my eyes.
"Please" He wines.
"Ah god dude, your breath stinks, fine as long as you don't breathe on me again" I choke, trying to cover how utterly tense I am.
"AW Sweet, you won't regret it, so wanna get an early lunch?"
"Yeah, sure"
I'm screwed.

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