Emotional roller coaster

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"I thought you'd never call, whats up!" James responds pleasantly.
"Yeah, I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out" I ask softly, curious if he's still interested..
"Wow really, yes definitely, hopefully we can have a repeat of last time" I can almost hear the grin spread across his lips, or is that me?
"That sounds great, there's a new pancake place, just a short walk from mine, did you wanna go there?"
"I've heard of it, that's the new one called Cupcakes, Crepes and Pancakes right?"
"Yeah, I've been meaning to try it out, how about for dinner? 7?"
"Sounds great, see you soon!" James hangs up.
I've got a couple of hours to get ready and attempt to tame this mop on my head. I'm glad James seems keen to actually see me, after how poorly I treated him last time we met. Plus, he makes an excellent distraction. I had better shower and get ready, I've got a long night ahead.

I arrived slightly late to the pancake place and find James already seated, in the furthest corner of the restaurant. He is dressed lavishly, for this type of a place, wearing a clean light blue shirt and a thin black tie, freshly ironed. He goes to touch his shiny hair, but then stops and moves his hand slowly away, hair gel must be new to him. I walk hesitantly towards him, he hasn't noticed me yet as he is deeply mesmerised by his phone, judging by his movements, he's playing a game. As I get closer, he raises his head, almost sensing my presence he looks directly at me with an inviting smile. I take the seat opposite him.
"Hey, nice of you to finally join me" James taps his watch. Taming my puffy man fro took longer than expected.
"Ah, sorry, I forgot where this place was" I lie, brushing the hair from my face.
"Have you ordered?" I ask, looking at the untouched menus neatly in a holder against the wall.
"I've been waiting for you, although, I've heard the chocolate pancakes are to die for " He winks, taking a menu. I give a small smile as a response before taking a menu myself.
After briefly reading the options, I decide on a banana and blue berry pancake and James with his first choice, the chocolate one. We begin to talk about work and our interests and slowly I relax, and realise that I'm really enjoying myself. I've discovered that James is heavily into music, and he has played guitar since he was eight, I also learnt that he is a bartender at the bar we met at!
"Have you ever been in a band? " I say through a mouth full of pancake.
"Well, I tried one in college, but the guys I did it with just weren't that into it. We didn't last very long. You're lucky to be in the bands you are! Being in more than one is a lot of work" James says as he leans back, putting his arms behind his head in a cool 'relaxed' pose.
"Yeah, it is, prioritising your time is very important." I point a finger at James, acting like a strict Dad. He chuckles.
"I'd love to met your work friends sometime, like, the people you're in a band with"
Oh shit, I hope he's not serious.
"haha they're pretty busy most of the time..." I look away towards the exit, then back at James who has now leaned forward with his elbows propped on the table.
"Embarrassed by me huh?" James puts on a cheeky grin but his eyes tell me he's disappointed.
"No, it's not that. It's all a bit confusing." I feel the mood suddenly change from happy to serious as the tension in the air surrounds me.
"It's not confusing to me" James states, catching me by surpirse. I glimpse at him.
"You haven't told them your gay right? It's cool I understand" James places his hands over mine, which are nervously ripping up a paper napkin I used with dinner.
"You don't have to tell them, it's your private life. I understand." I feel my heart flutter in my chest. It's nice to talk to someone like this, about my sexual orientation. He's probably the only person I've met that understands what it's like, because, he's just like me.
I began staring into his eyes and a wave of confidence comes over me and suddenly I lean over the table, to kiss him. I feel him tense, for just a moment, before he sinks into the kiss. At this moment, I don't care about anyone around us, I don't care what they think or who even sees and just for a short moment, I had forgotten about my feelings for Ross. I pull away.
"Whats Wro..." James is suddenly cut off by another voice.

"AH! I see why you rejected me now. I can't wait to tell Ross" Becky is standing directly in front of the table. How did I not notice her! Her hands resting dominantly on her hips and her face is smug.
"So, who's this?" Becky beckons towards James, however she keeps her eyes glued to me. She's so blunt and straight forward, so different from the other night. I am completely lost for words as I'm still recovering from shock. I feel my face redden as I clench my fists. I feel two sets of eyes on me, waiting for a response, until James cuts in.
"My name is James" James politely stretches a hand out towards her, which she ignores, turning her attention back to me. I stare at James, my hands are trembling now. She saw everything. James face changes from friendly to serious. He read me like a book.
"Who are you?" James sternly says, making her expression quickly change from a smug smile to a frown.
"Becky, the girl Danny went on a date with last night" She smiles at me, waiting for me to protest.
"Dan? Is this true?" James voice is soft now.
"No, it was set up by Ross, it was a date but we aren't dating, it's not like that!" I feel fear and angry boil inside of me. She is going to tell everyone and she is going to ruin everything with James. I frown.
"Why are you here Becky" I gather the courage to ask. I hold Becky's gaze when she turns back to me. I won't allow her to intimidate me.
"I was just getting some pancakes and happen to come across you love birds" She smiles, gesturing to our table before continuing.
"Ross has been fruitlessly trying to call you all evening, he and Holly are incredibly upset. They think we were perfect together, I, personally agree." She rubs the back of her neck and rolls her eyes.
"But I see now that it could never work. What a pity, I'll talk to you later about this. When we have more privacy." She flicks a fierce gaze to James to which he glares back, before she exits the restaurant.
I abruptly rise from my seat and go to pay before walking out, with James in tow.
"I'm sorry" James runs to catch up with my speedy pace.
"Nothing to be sorry about, It's not your fault" I weakly smile.
"Are you coming back to my place, I want to talk" I firmly say, giving him a sideways glance to see his reaction.
"What.. you still actually want to see me?" James has stopped now, with his mouth parted slightly as he tilts his head like a confused puppy.
"Yes? I'm not going to let one woman ruin my night, James, I'm a grown man for christsake. I may be upset and really embarrassed. But I still want you to come back to my place!" I firmly say in a slight yell.
"Sorry" I apologise. "I didn't mean to raise my voice" I just really need something to get my mind off this and playing with James with definitely do that.
"All good Dan, Lets go"

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