2. Escape

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Pretty confident you'd found Iceland_Puffin, and that he was a guy called Emil, you now did not really know how to approach him about it, if at all.

"Right then Emil, can you go sit next to (F/N) at the back," The teacher said, pointing to you. Emil kept his blank expression, and sat down next to you, not initiating any conversation. The lesson carried on, and the rest of the class chatted while they did their work; your table had an awkward silence that hung over it like a cloud. You swallowed hard and finally decided to speak up, despite your lack of social skills. For some reason, being next to a person you were sure you'd actually talked to hundreds of times made you a little bit more confident.

"So you're from Iceland, huh?" You asked; it was obvious from what the teacher said before, but anything to start a conversation would do. He nodded. "Is it nice there?" He nodded again. This guy just wouldn't speak! To make him speak up, you decided to try to mention something that he'd said to you before; it was something you'd both discussed online. "Apparently, everyone there has pet puffins," you said, making his head perk up slightly. Iceland_Puffin had once tricked you into thinking that everyone in Iceland had a puffin, but of course, it wasn't true.

"No. What makes you think that?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow, a look of recognition in his eyes. You could feel sweat drip down your brow.

"O-Oh, a friend told me once." You silently cursed for your stuttering, but as the class went on you both had a nice conversation. It reminded you of when he spoke with you through texts. You put your hand under your chin, with your elbow on the desk, supporting your weight. That allowed your sleeve to slip down slightly, and Emil stopped midway through his sentence to stare at your wrist.

"Hey, (F/N)? How'd you get that cut? It looks pretty bad," he said, pointing at your wrist. You glanced down; it was a cut you got last night, as your dad had a glass bottle in his hand, and the edge was smashed, leaving sharp shards of green glass. Your dad slashed across your wrist, leaving a painful, bloody, red cut, which while it was too deep, it still looked bad. You protectively pulled up your sleeve.

"It's nothing... Just a gash," you muttered. The school bell rang loudly throughout the school, and the day continued as normal. Soon the day ended.


About 2 weeks passed, and you and Emil became good friends after the first conversation you'd had with him in class. You normally ate lunch together and worked together in class, and although you knew him both as Emil and Iceland_Puffin, you still hadn't opened up. You didn't tell him anything about your life, and if you did, it was fake. From what he knew, you had a kind family, a nice mother who worked as an accountant, and a father who worked as a lawyer. It was far different.

It was another night that you were sat at home, texting Emil, who you'd now decided was definitely Iceland_Puffin.


LoneWolfGirl15: Hey ^_^

Iceland_Puffin: Hi, what are you doing?

LoneWolfGirl15: Homework T-T

Iceland_Puffin: Same. School's such a pain. What's your homework about?

Both of you got the same homework your class got today, and you quickly came up with a random subject, afraid he would get suspicious of you both had the same maths homework.

LoneWolfGirl15: Just some trig... Zzz

Iceland_Puffin: Yeah, I'm doing some algebra.

You heard the sound of the car in the driveway; they were back.

LoneWolfGirl15: Sorry, I g2g again... I'll talk to you tomorrow, k?

Iceland_Puffin: You always go quickly :/ But, sure, goodnight.

Before you could press send with your message of 'Goodnight' typed in, your bedroom door flung open. You snapped your phone closed and stuffed it in your pocket. Your dad stood at the doorway, a knife gripped in his hands. He approached you slowly, stopping right at your bed, and you could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was never like this, so something must've happened for him to be this angry. He raised the knife, slashing it down against your face before you could react. You held in a scream as pain engulfed your face, and a small cut opened on your cheek. He wrapped his hands tightly around your thin, pale throat, dropping the knife on your bed. You couldn't breathe, and everything was moving so fast. He shoved you against the wall and squeezed harder on your throat. He removed a hand and picked up his knife with it. He slashed across your arms and legs, opening old cuts, and cutting new ones.

Everything was going dark, and if you didn't stop him, you'd die. You couldn't even scream out in pain, as his hands cut off your airways and windpipe. All you could do was whimper and cough in asphyxiation. You used your hands and pried away his fingers with the little strength you had left. When that didn't work, you flailed your legs, successfully kicking him between the legs. He fell backwards, giving you time to escape. Your vision was now fading white, and you stumbled out the door downstairs. Blood trickled down your body, leaving a bloody trail wherever you went. You eventually collapsed down in the rainy street, everything going numb.


Emil's POV:

I typed goodnight to LoneWolfGirl15, and three small dots appeared to say she was typing an answer. They disappeared and no more messages came through. Maybe her phone simply ran out of battery? It was almost 9:00 PM, but my stomach growled. I hadn't eaten all day. I leapt off the bed and jogged downstairs into the kitchen. I flung opened the fridge. Empty... How typical, I was sent to (Town) for a couple weeks by my stupid older brother Lukas, and I still hadn't completely unpacked. I was too busy chatting to LoneWolfGirl15 on my phone. Either that, or I was doing homework, and my fridge had been empty since I got here.

Sighing, I grabbed an umbrella and jacket and opened the door. Hopefully, some store would be open, since some stayed open this late? I strolled down the street, and the rain started to pour down heavier. My eyes caught a glimpse of something red on the floor. Stepping back slightly, I knelt down and examined the floor in front of me.


My eyes widened, who's out this late, injured and bleeding? They could need help, and as much trouble as it would be, I probably should help. Then again, it could just be some fight that had ended a while ago, but wouldn't there be less blood than this? Regardless, my paces became longer and quicker. As I turned the corner, I saw a figure sat against the wall, and as I got closer, I realised who it was.

"(F/N)...? (F/N)!" I yelled running towards her. I knelt in front of her and saw that she was out cold, not to mention she herself was freezing cold. She had cuts all over her body.

"What the hell..." I muttered to myself. I placed the umbrella next to me and wrapped my jacket around her cut-up shoulders. I saw she was gripping something in her hand, and it looked like her phone. It was still on and, looked like it was on... Messenger? For some reason, I wanted to look at it.

Picking it up, and taking a closer look, as guilty as it made me feel, what I saw shocked me. It was my contact! And it was LoneWolfGirl15. (F/N) was the one I was talking to the whole time? My last message was 'Goodnight', and in the message typing box, she'd also typed goodnight, but she'd never sent it. Whatever happened to her next stopped her from sending it, and that's why she's like this. I stuffed her phone into my pocket to keep it safe, and lifted her into my arms, balancing the umbrella in between us to keep both of us dry. I ran back home.

Food could wait, she needed help...


Iceland X Abused! Reader - TextingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant