The Witch (Chapter 8)

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Amelia’s POV:

Seriously! Why is that woman up there?! Doesn’t she know that the King will be-head her if he sees her doing something like that! She was now moving up behind the prince and they bumped fists! THEY BUMPED FISTS! The world must be going insane! The King STILL hadn’t noticed anything about this woman! It’s impossible! She’s walking around like she owns the place! She then walks behind the King again and starts to blow on his face making him think that there is a fly on his face. He swats away at his face still blabbing on and then the Prince realises what is going on and signals at her to stop doing it. She shrugs, she actually shrugs! And carries on! Prince Simon is starting to look really worried and the crowd have stopped sniggering. The King started to look angry and his face started to boil. He stopped speaking and shouted out.

“GUARDS! Arrest this woman and put her into the prisons downstairs! She shall be hung tomorrow at dawn!”

He stood up with so much force that it caused his throne to tip over and fall to the ground. He then pointed at the woman who had been mocking him and stepped forward to wrap his hands around her neck in a tight hold. But before he could reach her she had ran away from him jeering at him.

“Ha ha ha! You can’t catch me! You’re too slow! Too fat! Too blobby! Too chubby! You’re too slow!”

This only made the King even angrier and he started to run after her. As he ran the woman only got faster until she was surrounded by guards.

“Who’s laughing now?”

The King stood up and straightened his clothes. He had a smug grin on his face. The woman was not even scared she started to laugh at the King. To his face! The grin on the King’s face dropped a little but he still kept his smile. The Prince was slowly reaching the King now; he must’ve started to walk whilst the guards had her surrounded.

“Father let her go!”

“No! She deserves punishment for treating me like this!”


“No son, I must show this as an example to all people who try to defy me in the future that they do not get away lightly if they try to publically mock me.”

The woman was rolling her eyes now.

“You royalty, you think that you are everything. But really just like me-“

“I am and never will be like you! You are a filthy mongrel who I am disgusted with for even thinking that you are like me!”

“Your majesty (She elongated this word to show that she was using sarcasm, and must I say that she used it very well) I am sure that there are many people here who would love to be like me and not have to listen to you sticking your head up your arse every hour of every day. You moan about how you don’t have this, don’t have that, when really you’re moaning that you cannot get your huge head up your huge arse!”

“That is quite enough! Guards! Take her to the dungeons!”

“But father-“

“My word is final!”

His voice echoed through the entire room and I could feel the sound resonating off the walls. The woman was dragged away and she laughed and long after she was gone the laugh was still there. The Prince looked flustered as he ran a shaky hand through his hair, and I couldn’t help but think that he looked quite cute. The King looked the complete opposite, his face ugly with rage, twisted and gruesome. He didn’t look at all handsome not even the words ugly could state how bad he looked. He stormed to his throne and pointed at his guards to lift up his throne. Once this happened he took a deep breath to steady himself. The Prince gave an apologetic look to the crowd and returned to his seat. The King looked like he had calmed down a little and spoke.

“I am deeply sorry for that rude disruption and I promise you that that will never happen again. Let the ball continue! Although I have more to say about my son’s marriage but that can be said later. For the moment please enjoy this wonderful celebration!”

Great... The King had more to say about the royal wedding. We didn’t even know who the lucky lady was! Thankfully the Prince was way too busy with women drooling over him to notice my presence. Because of that I was very thankful, although it would’ve been nice to at least introduce myself and to talk for a little while... Maybe even the entire night... No, don’t be ridiculous... I shook that thought straight out of my head. He would hardly even notice me! The crowd slowly went from awkward to lively in a matter of seconds. The musicians started to play a slow melody and the crowd split into pairs. I was left alone but I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around. It was a young boy maybe ten years old. In a high pitched squeaky voice he asked.

“Excuse me miss, may I please have this dance?”

I accepted it by taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. He was impeccably dressed for a boy of his age. The dance was okay but I could tell that I wasn’t going to be seeing him again. The night went by in a blur of people asking me to dance. It was all happy until the King stood up from his throne and addressed the crowd.

“Again we have been gathered here today to celebrate my son’s coming of age to be able to take the throne. I have told him many times as a child that he would one day be able to take the throne from me and reign over the city. He always looked up at me in bewilderment but that soon changed to pride and honour as he got older. I would give the throne to him freely but I wish that he would find a wife to marry him so that he can live a happy and prosperous life with a woman by his side to show him the true way to go. I once had my lady by my side; those were the happiest days of my reign. Knowing that whatever happened my wife would love me and we would somehow work it out. Those days are long gone now and I only wish that my son has more time to spend with his loved one and that he will have a woman at his side till the day he dies! I have spent many days pondering on what type of woman would suit my son best and I came to the conclusion that the only type of woman who would be good enough for my son would be a person of royalty. Someone without honour in their family would not be worthy of the love of my son!”

Prince Simon looked utterly bored and annoyed with his father, he’d obviously heard this speech many times and wasn’t afraid to show it. He sat there; correction slouched, and stared at the crowd with eyes which looked glazed over. He seemed in deep thought and wasn’t listening to a word his father said. He never once looked at me, he probably didn’t even know I was there, he probably didn’t know who I was. You’d be able to tell him I was a maid and he would probably have believed you. He was staring at no one in particular, just into space. I shook myself out of my thoughts and tuned back into what the King was saying.

“And with that, I conclude that the woman who I have chosen to dine with and meet my son is...”

I swear that pause was just for a dramatic effect. It was like he was announcing who won the best prize in the world! I looked around and I could see that quite a few women had sucked their breath in. I could practically hear them chanting to themselves “Please be me, Please be me.” It was quite pathetic really. I weren’t going to be picked and I couldn’t care less who the King picked.




Thankyou to my number one fan Benji143! You are totally awesome! And thankyou to everyone else who is reading this story! Please vote, fan and comment it would make my day! :)

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