The Witch (Chapter 10)

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Amelia’ POV:

I wiped my eyes and the blurriness when away almost immediately and I went to apologise but once I saw who it was I could feel my eyes widening and as I opened my mouth to shout at her but she quickly covered my mouth. It was the woman who had insulted the King! She looked around and then I realised that she had escaped from the dungeons right under the King’s nose. She was very anxious and I knew that it wasn’t long before the King would find out that she had escaped. She nodded her head at me as if asking whether I would shout or not once she removed her hand and I shook my head. She released a huge breath and took her hand away from my mouth leaving me free to speak.

“Why are you here? Weren’t you supposed to stay with the prince?”

“Yes I did go with the Prince but it seems as if I weren’t good enough.”

She nodded and mulled this over then obviously realised that she was on the run from the King. I thought and about this and thought that if she was on the run then she could come with me. She seemed nice enough and at the moment I thought that if she hated the King then I’d like to be able to express my feelings too.

“I know you’re trying to run away from the King so why don’t you stay with me. The King would never think that you would be staying with me!”

Her face showed that she was very confused but this was the only thing I could offer her.

“But what if you got caught?”

“You will be caught any second now if we don’t move!”

I grabbed her hand and started moving towards my carriage, the carriage was there just that the driver wasn’t there. He was at the party and would come out at the right time he was supposed to pick me up. We sneaked through the corridor and we came to an entrance which led us to the garden. We sneaked past the rose bushes in case anyone decided to look out over the balcony. As not only would they see me in a complete mess but they would also see the woman with me too. We stayed as silent as possible as knowing this place, it was probably completely surrounded by guards and people. We ran down the garden until I could see my carriage in view. There were many other carriages there too but there was nobody inside them from what we could see. We walked cautiously around and I finally stood and took in the surroundings. There were many trees scattered on the grass. The grass wasn’t very high and it looked as if it was kept in shape by many gardeners. There was a long road down the centre of it and there were small dainty flowers n every colour imaginable scattered in the grass by the trees. The hoses were there as well, which was very good. Normally they would be taken to the stables and the horses would be looked after but today was a completely different story in which we needed the horses to be outside. My driver was the one who was supposed to leave the horses in the stables but today he must have gotten over excited. Under different circumstances I would have gone back in there after him to give him a good piece of my mind. I wasn’t very good at riding horses and I looked worriedly at... I don’t know her name...

“Excuse me, but I don’t seem to know your name.”

“Oh, I’m sorry my name is Natalia. And yours?”

“My name is Amelia. That’s a lovely name; I don’t think that I’ve ever heard one like it. But I’m sorry to say that I don’t know how to ride a horse very well, especially one which is connected to a carriage.”

“Well it’s good that I’m here then, as I happen to be a very good horse rider and if I may say so myself, I am a very good sword fighter.”

I nodded at her and she stepped up onto the box where the driver sits and I got into the carriage. It was same as how I left it. Right now I just wanted to get home safely and if I could, maybe get Natalia to train me a little bit. As my skills weren’t very good and it would help if I could actually do some stuff. Show men that we women can actually do the stuff they do. I was quite impressed at the fact that she could drive a carriage. We had been driving for quite a while and I was getting quite bored. Soon the carriage stopped and I got out, Natalia was drinking some water from a stream nearby and I was surprised to see that she had changed and her dress was laid on the side of the stream. She was now wearing armour and she was wearing a belt of metal around her waist, she’d tied her hair up in a messy bun with some hair falling around her face. As I stepped forward I realised how thirsty I was and ran nearly tripping up over my dress on the way. I fell to my knees and the water was so nice that it dribbled everywhere spilling all over my face. Once I my thirst was gone I stood up and I saw Natalia smirking at me.

“Someone’s thirsty. I guess all that crying must have worn you out loads.”

I nodded and then thought about how did Natalia escape from the dungeons in the first place?

“How did you manage to escape?”

“I cannot tell you here and I don’t know whether I’ll ever be able to tell you but you don’t know how much I want to tell at least somebody. But one day if we stay friends be sure to ask me.”

She stepped back onto the carriage and I guessed that it was the end of the conversation. I’d really like to know what the whole deal was, it wasn’t like I wasn’t going to just ditch her because I found out something about her which might not be very good. I was letting he stay at my house so she could at least tell me how she got out. The view was slowly changing to the surroundings near my house. How did she know where I lived? Now that was something I really needed to find out. The carriage stopped at the front of my house and I could see my mother from behind the curtains, she probably had been waiting there for ages. I stepped out and led Natalia quickly through the back door on the side of the house and when I opened the door I quickly grabbed one of the spare matches and lit one of the lanterns’ left behind. I passed that one to Natalia and then lit another one for myself and we made our way up the stone steps.


Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this! :) It means a lot to me! Vote fan and Comment! :) Please! :) It means a lot to me :)

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