The Brink Of Fate

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It is silent..

Do you know...

It awaits...

What do you see...

That's right...

You see...


Bright white invaded Ichigo's vision, before he woke up screaming and thrashing around. He wouldn't let that light touch him again, it burned and Ichigo didn't like it.


A deep voice made Ichigo's thrashing cease, before he looked up from under the covers he was in to see a blue haired man standing before the bed with a bowl in his hand.

"Knock it off will ya? Yer gunna hurt yerself."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed dangerously, the events from the night prior invading his mind. As Grimmjow walked around the bed, Ichigo's leg swung out and kicked him in the gut. 

As Grimmjow cursed, Ichigo got up quickly, ignoring the pain in his backside, and elbowed Grimmjow on the back of the neck; hard. Grimmjow fell unconscious, and Ichigo snarled at his face.

"I'll do more later. Right now, I've got to find the other asshole." Ichigo said as he put new clothes on.

Limping out of the room, Ichigo grabbed the silver knife he had from the day prior, and searched for his look-a-like. Shiro wasn't in the house, so Ichigo ventured outside to find his doppelganger wielding a giant white and black sword, and training.

 Ichigo growled lowly, 'I'll take care of him, then get the hell out of here.'

Walking up to the pale man quietly, Ichigo brought the dagger out of his red hoodie, took a small breath, then acted as quick as a viper, and swung the deadly blade at Shiro's back.

But Ichigo expected what happened next. Shiro quickly turned and knocked the blade out of Ichigo's hand, but being as Ichigo was ready for it, he grabbed Shiro's pale hand, then twisted his arm behind his back. Shiro growled and tried getting out of Ichigo's grip, but Ichigo snarled and put pressure on Shiro's arm until he heard a snap, and Shiro went deadly quiet.

Ichigo knew that Shiro was trying to fight off the pain, and was trying to keep his ego and pride high. 

"Ya know," Ichigo leaned down to Shiro's ear, and hissed, "I'm no longer human, as you and Grimmjow say. So I," Ichigo twisted Shiro's wrist until that snapped too, "don't feel any remorse for hurting you like you let Grimmjow hurt me."

Shiro snarled and tried bucking Ichigo off his back, "It was bound to happen by either of us. I could have done it, but it's a good thing I didn't being as it was your first time."

Ichigo snarled, "What does that mean, asshole?"

Shiro's head turned slowly, a deadly grin marring his face, "For betraying me, I would have destroyed you."

Ichigo felt fear prick his spine, and he let Shiro's arm go. Standing up straight, Ichigo snarled once more before storming towards the river, a light blue ring of light rimming the edges of his mocha eyes.

Shiro slowly stood up, holding his injured arm, "It doesn't matter though, Ichigo! Soon I will get my turn, and show you what it actually means to be mated to someone!"

Ichigo covered his ears, and started running. He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to remember it. And he definitely didn't want it to happen again.

'I'd rather die!' Ichigo mentally screeched. 

Once reaching the river, Ichigo fell to his knees, and let the tears he had been holding back, flow. Sure he had been through a lot in his life, but what happened last night, that broke Ichigo a little on the inside.

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