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   The wind howled across the stony landscape, the air dusty, tinted with red dust, the dark orange sun baked the ground, gaining warmth as midday approaches. Here and there, on the seemingly endless plain, few trees and bushes grew, the leaves pointed and sharp, with traces of soil.

   "The water on planet Earth must decrease in order for the population to use the extra recourses on land..."
   "The land on planet Uring must gain some mountainous areas in order for more species..."
   "I must create a few ravines on planet Liqu for a few more species to decrease in population, with some disappearing completely..."
   "Will you create lakes on Earth once the ice age is completed?"
   "Yes Yang, the glaciers shall do so."

   Many miles beneath the planet's surface lies a cylindrical cave, a place forever haunted by the spirits of balance, Yin and Yang. Within the wall, a giant symbol, of black and white, swirls around each other. The black side contains a spot of white, and vice versa. Both have the same size, and rotate at the same speed. The Great Yin Yang, the source of balance in all life.

   The two spirits of balance stood at a table-like structure, with a glowing orb. The darker one has a feminine-like face and body, her body shaped like a long dark dress-like body. The lighter spirit has a masculine-like face and body, with a long white toga-like body. Both are faded and translucent, the light of orbs from the table switching from planet to planet, lighting up the cavern.

These two souls are responsible for the seven planets in the universe with life. They modify each planet to keep the balance: Earth, the planet of knowledge; Uring, the planet of environment preservation; Liqu, the planet of technology; Zimph, the planet of religion; Swilo, the planet of arts; and Tirilin, the planet of emotion.

Since the beginning of time, they have controlled every living thing on each six planets, giving each planet their special property, making sure there is a dominant species of some sort at all times. Anything that the dominant species does is meant to happen so that their specific strengths are strong.

In the past, they were warned by the Spirit of Nothingness with a short, simple, yet frightening prophecy, Beware of the unknown, for it may be your doom.

For the first thousand years of their existance, they have been cautious of everything they saw new, and how they took action. Eventually, they saw nothing terrible go on, and they let their guard down, taking in as much informations and experience they could. For more than billions of years, they were in complete control,

Until present day...

   The moment that they prepared Uring for an ice age, they were certain of everything they did. "Yang, create more sediments on the bottom of the ocean. There is not enough elevation for the water to create glaciers." Yin ordered.

   Yang nodded, and moved his ghastly arm over to the Orb of Uring. Suddenly, his faded body jerked. Letting out a gasp of horror, he unstably moved back a couple of paces, collapsing on the ground.

   Yin looked back at him, shocked as he let out a cry of horror. She looked up at The Great Yin Yang, and gasped as she saw what was happening.

   A shadowy figure, darting to and from in front of the symbol, making ominous noises, caught her eye. She was stiff with fear, confused with what was happening. Nothing have ever came into or out of the chamber. The figure then started to circle The Great Yin Yang, and squished itself in between the symbol and the stone supporting it.

   Yin glanced back at Yang. His translucent body was lying against the stone wall, face full with pain. He jerked again, and squealed with agony. Yin looked up at The Great Yin Yang, and her eyes widened. The yin side of the symbol was getting larger, slowly engulfing the yang with it's darkness.

   For a couple of moments, Yin stood in there and stared with horror. The only things they have seen in their lifetime has only happened on the six planets of life, and nothing has ever happened on the planet of balance. All we know how to do is to control life. At that thought, Yin gasped.

   She rushed over to Yang, and started to pull him over to the Orbs of Life, "We must send one dominant species from each planet to find the Charm of Balance." She stated.
   Yang glanced at her, "Charm of Balance? How would they find them? They are not actually charms, just the sense of harmony keeping the balance constant." Yang pointed out.
   "Yes, but we shall make it possible for the six to obtain, for your power is being taken over!" Yin said.
   Yang looked at her, "But, the Yin of The Great Yin Yang is taking over the Yang. Cant you do something about it?
   Yin shook her head, "No, I dont feel any power drained. It must be made by the Unknown."

   Yang stopped asking questions and mentioning any points. He leaned on the table, and tapped each planet twice; once to create the charm, and one to send a dream to a worthy one. As he got to the last planet, Earth, the Unknown pierced the Yang, causing him to collapse, giving Earth a third tap.

   Yin looked at Yang, worried, but quickly tapped each planet once, "The worthy one must be a female, for your health will affect all masculine species." She said. She looked up at The Great Yin Yang.

Spirit of Nothingness, the Unknown shall not take over.

Unbalanced {Soon To Be Redone}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora