Chapter 1

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     What the~? Wha~? My thoughts echoed through my head. What's going on? What's happening? The last thing I remembered...was nothing! The only thing that I remember was my past thoughts three heartbeats ago. Around my body, I can feel nothing but a warm...coolness. It doesn't make any sense!

     But, with all this confusion, I felt something. I felt Since when? Thirty seconds ago, apparently.

     I tried to move my limbs. That got me nowhere. I struggled to spread out from my curled up position. Eventually, I gave up. Then I thought, Amber. You have been in this weird dream for at least five minutes, and just gave up trying to move. You haven't even thought about looking around. Stupid!

     I sighed, and strained to get my eyes open. I expected to see a dark, cozy cave with a fire, or some sort of building floating. Instead, I just saw whiteness. I looked everywhere my pupils would let me, expecting to see something. But nope! Nothing.

     It was actually pretty neat.

     I breathed in the air of this mysterious area of whiteness. It kind of smelled like sweet roasted cashews. It was odd, and a bit random, but I like it. I don't really see the point of it, since there was nothing in sight. Well, except for whiteness.

     I closed my eyes again and relaxed. I've never felt this comfort before. Every time I felt something even close to it, I always ended up in tears from memories. But now, I cant remember anything.

     But the comfort didn't last long.

     I gasped, and my eyes flew open as ominous coldness flooded my veins. Black darkness shot up with ragged jerky streaks. A harsh chilly wind whipped past my flailing body. It scraped against my skin, I was surprised it didn't tear me apart. Darkness soon engulfed me. I was not falling down anymore; I was getting thrown around, kicked, and stabbed. My brain was freaking out from the absence of blood.

     I wanted to scream, but my throat was stuck with strain. I fell onto some sort of smooth cold stone. I saw light, and fire leaped around me. My eyes reflected the blazing flare. The ground started to fade, as if it were dough. I frantically stepped up, trying to stand my ground, but to no avail.

     I started falling into the raging fire. It was all messed up; the fire, instead of giving heat, made me feel more colder than I've ever felt before. As I fell, gusts of icy winds hit my body from below, but gave me nothing to slow myself down. Out of nowhere, a gust of intense heat pushed my body through the wall of fire. My skin was burning, and there was nothing that I could do.

   I closed my eyes, and opened them to find myself circling around the raging fire, but I still felt the heat and light of fire behind me. I frantically looked around. What the-? Is that...people? I heard my thoughts echo through my head. that Lizza-? Before I could finish my thought, I felt myself fall downwards, spiraling out of control. I should've known something else was going to happen... I fell for a little while more, but this was just boring now. But, as I hit the ground, my heart stopped.

* * *

     I woke up with a start, instinctively sitting up. What in the name of-? I thought. By body was still trembling from the strangely weird dream. I looked around my room. The air was warm, for once in a lifetime.

     I laid back down, thinking about what just happened. I saw nothing, then darkness, then fire, and then nothing? Strange... But I had no time to think. I could hear my mom yelling at me from downstairs, saying something about "It's almost seven 'o clock!" Oh dear, school...

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