Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

By pre-outbreak standards, this little town isn't even a blip on the map, I'm sure. However, post-outbreak, this is about as close to a buzzing metropolis as we'll ever get. It's seems to be a few square blocks and despite the fact that I've been warned that it's awful, excitement fills my chest. Electricity, real electricity, creates a buzzing hum that can be heard before we even enter the gates.

"It's the fence," Hunter says grabbing my attention. "The humming," he clarifies. "The fence is electric."

"What's that going to do for creeps?"

I can't imagine the living dead would be deterred by a little electric current.

"Nothing. It was to keep the people out. When the virus was spreading, these safe places weren't letting anyone in who even had a chance of being infected."

"And now?"

"Probably some for protection. The threat of getting electrocuted probably deters some who might try to take over. Probably to keep people in too."

I stop and stare at the fence that's about fifteen feet high and well reinforced. Through it we can easily see into the town. It's early, but people are already up and moving around though none have noticed us just yet. I guess they probably all don't feel the need to constantly watch their surroundings and keep an eye outside the fence. They don't see the outside world as a threat to them. Maybe it's not.

"Wonder how she got out."

"I think she's more resourceful than you're giving her credit for. She survived nearly a week on her own and managed to escape this place."

Looking at the entrance to the place, I can't help but think he's right. Maybe I've been underestimating Zoe's ability. She's been less than helpful with the creeps, but she's led us back to the town with amazing ease. The same amount of ease that one would have for a trip they made often. Far too much for someone who only took the path once and in a hurry to get away. Even Atlas would have taken more time on the trip, had to think more about directions and which way was right.

Zoe did not bring us here like someone who ran away terrified in the night.

"Hunter, stop," I come to a stand still before we reach the gate. "This isn't right."

"You're growing a conscience now? Zero, these aren't good people. Stealing from them—"

"No." I shake my head trying to form my thoughts. "No. Not the stealing. The whole thing. Zoe. Hunter, it doesn't make sense."

He eyes me warily for a beat. His hand settles on the small of my back and he guides me off our current path until we're well out of sight and hidden from view. When he stops he faces me, ready to listen.


"Think about it. You said she's resourceful, but really think. She's too resourceful, Hunter. Someone who's been sheltered from the beginning, timid, and terrified gets the chance to escape her personal hell in the middle of the night. Do they remember the exact route they took? Hunter she didn't pause even once to think about the route. That's not right."

His perfect lips purse together as he considers what I've said. I can see he's thinking about it now, going over it all. Trying to piece together the same puzzle that I am.

"So what? You think this all some elaborate set up?"

"I don't know what this is, Hunter. But Zoe... she doesn't add up."

"Ok." He nods. "It's your call, Zero. But she's not with us right now, she's waiting a couple miles back so I'm not sure what you think she might do."

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