The Note

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It was the sound of something falling down, a chair perhaps, that startled the servant cleaning the manor. Besides the bursting sound of thunder outdoors, and the wind blowing against branches of the tree outside of the manor, tapping steadily against the window of the living room. The manor was given an angst feeling, the vacancy added on to the effect. The ominous setting of the manor upset the servant, while cleaning the house, the servant checked every room in the manor in sight for an ominous purpose. The servant went to the office of Joshua, he dropped his duster. The sight of glass scattered all of the rug, and the sight of the window broken open atonished the servant .He scrambled out the door, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Help, help the heir had been kidnapped!"

He scrambled for the phone. Next thing you know, police was surrounding the manor, the rain still pouring, the thunder was spooking the horses of the police force. A black stallion rode from the distance, it appeared in the blink of an eye. A person stepped off the stallion, a tall, black, intimidating person.

"Why are you here, they never put you on the case." an officer asked.

"I'm here because heard of another disappearance." Mikail aforementioned.

The officer stood there baffled. He questioned that if there was more than one disappearance. He was a townsmen after all. The police stormed the manor, clearing every room, every nook and cranny, looking for clues as to the disappearance. The only people allowed in the crime scene was the task force commissioner and Mikail Buden, the transferred inspector.

"What do we have here now?" Mikail asked.

"Another case of abduction, looks like the first on we've had all year." The commissioner said.

A voice spoke up in the office where the crime scene was, the voice echoed through the manor.

"I find a clue!"

The police stormed the room, they all stood, astonished, above the fire place, just below the painting, there stood an arrow, the arrow look as if it was crafted by a master craftsmen, in the side of the arrow, there, etched a message in an non-distinguishable language, it looks as if, it was not from this planet. Tied to the arrow was an note, rolled up and wrap up with a blue velvet bow, the commissioner grab the note from the arrow, he rolled it open, inside the note was a message, in a language, none that any police officer can identify. It was somewhat similar to the code etched on the side of the arrow. Mikail spoke up after a moment of confusion

"This just got a whole lot deeper"

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