The Journal

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     Mikail had his mind set on the arrow, he would often time doze off for minutes before he could keep his focus on what he was actually trying to do. Mikail was dozed off when he got home from the police station after a night of intense investigation. This night was different, Mikail dreamt of a man, about 6 foot tall He was sitting behind a desk, the smooth wood was lined with office assortments.

     "Morton, shall pay it's judgement, the town and its citizens." the voice, it sounded like a striking a knife against a concrete wall. Harsh. The voice was followed by another, this voice was not as demanding, it sound as if the person was in fear, trembling at the presence of the other voice. "U-uh y-yes sir the town will fall to your judgement." Mikial had an idea as to what position this person was in.

     He woke up, out of breath and drenched in sweat. He had no idea what to make of this dream. Is it supposed to tell him something, if it was, he did know what to begin with. Mikail was scared, so he went to his friend. Except this friend, she was different. Alice Hington, professional baker and undercover tracer, a tracer was a person who sought and hunted down cases that police couldn't solve. She was blonde, tall, and cute. Her pixie nose also factored to her cuteness and Mikail was also fond of her bangs. She was very serious when it comes to being a tracer, her bakery is also her base of operartion.

     Finding a tracer in public is a very rare event, Mikail was one of the very few to learn of tracers. Alice own a small bakery one block away from Mikail's house. He peered through the glass doors, which were locked, he saw Alice, baking a fresh batch of muffin for tomorrow. Mikail have always had something for Alice, he just didn't know it was something passionate. The way she looked made him uneasy, he would act really nervous whenever Alice was around, but this time was different. He was here for business.

     "Hey, Alice, whatcha doing there?" Mikail asked. He startle Alice, because after the words came out of his mouth, Alice was already holding a kitchen knife up to his throat, he was pinned against the wall. It took Alice a few seconds to figure out who this person that almost gave her a heart attack was.

     "Oh, it's you, dont ever do that again because I might actually hurt you next time." She said smugly as she lowered the knife, Mikail was breathing rapidly trying to catch his breath.

     "Maybe I'll knock next time." He said jokingly. Mikail told Alice about his dream, he tried not to leave out any detail. Alice stood there for a few minutes thinking, after the silence Mikail spoke up and asked her if she knew if there was anyone who had it out for Morton. Alice hesitated then shook her head.

     "Also, I saw in the papers in the morning and on the telly, the heir to the Aldrich fortune had vanished, eh?" Alice said as she took off her "Best Baker" apron dusted of her hands and leaned against the counter ears open. 

Morton: Mikail BudenWhere stories live. Discover now