Chapter One--A Plan

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A discouraged Amber Misfield trudged home after a long day of searching for a job, with no avail, She'd been shot down each and every time. She desperately needed the money, not for herself as much as for her little brother, Johnny. He was only seven--far too young to earn money to help support them.

With a defeated sigh, Amber climbed the stairs to their small, falling-apart apartment room. The stairs creaked and groaned under her feet. At the top at the end of the hall, she opened the door. She had to hitch it up to keep it from sticking on the warped floor. When she entered the room, Johnny leaped to his feet and wrapped his spindly arms around her waist. A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. She hugged him back.

"Did you bring me any candy?" He asked hopefully, gazing up at her with large green eyes. Amber shook her head sadly. She wish she could've. She knew how much he loved chocolate. He had such a look of pure joy on his face when the sweet squares would melt on his tongue. Not that her was able to have that pleasure very often--almost never.

Johnny looked disappointed, though Amber knew he had expected that.

"But I do have this." She took out a small loaf of bread slightly burnt on the outside. She knew it would be perfectly fine on the inside. The baker had sold it to her for less than half price, for which she was glad, though she knew he didn't do it out of the kindness of his heart. He just wanted the profit.

Johnny's eyes lit up and he smiled. He took the bread and scampered across the room to plop down on their bed of blankets. The sadness that always hung on Amber's heart grew heavier as she surveyed Johnny as he ate ravenously. His cheeks were sunken and hollow and his brown hair was long and shaggy and not all that clean. His shoulders were pointed beneath his worn and threadbare shirt. He had frayed holes in the knees of his trousers and his dirty feet were bare. Amber herself couldn't look much better with her patched up burgundy dress and shoes almost falling off her feet.

She walked across the rickety and warped floor and sat herself down in front of a vanity table with a mirror covered in a spiderweb of cracks. There was no telling when or where the table come from.

She studied her disoriented reflection. Her black hair hung in dirty strands to her shoulders. She'd tried to clean up as much as she could before she'd gone hunting for a job, but it hadn't helped much.

Her eyes, which were her namesake, were a brilliant amber color, and glowed like the eyes of a cat in the feeble candlelight that reflected off the mirror into them.

Amber fingered her hair. Suddenly an idea hit her like a jolt of electricity. Quickly, she gathered her hair hand held it back at the nape of her neck with her hand. Her features weren't overly feminine, so it just might work. She groped under her skirt for the dagger she kept strapped their for safety and began hacking off locks of hair. When she was finished, hunks of hair lay strewn in her lap and on the floor around her. She stared at her newly altered reflection. Now her raven hair ended just below her ears. The ends were uneven, but that didn't matter. If her plan worked, that is.


This is only chapter one of my new Black Butler fan-fiction, but I hope you liked it. Please tell me what you think. :)

Happy reading!

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