Chapter Four--Abducted

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Amber ran her fingers through her hair which she had cleaned last night after work. She gave her head a shake the tousle it and pulled the newsboy cap over the top of it, giving the cap a firm tug. She poised the cap so the brim pointed slightly to the side. She tucked her shirt into her trousers and slid her shoes on her feet. She turned to face Johnny, who was lying on his belly on the blankets, watching her. His feet kicked the air above him.

"How do I look?" Amber asked him. He gave her a closed eyed grin and giggled.

"Like a boy." She laughed and leaned down to ruffle his hair, which was also clean.

"Well, that's good, now isn't it?" Johnny's grin just widened and he let out a little "hee,hee". Amber planted a kiss on his head and straightened up. "I have to go now, so be good, alright? And don't leave this room." Her brother nodded.

"Ok. Be careful." He climbed to his feet and gave her a hug.

"I will." Amber whispered into his ear. Then she left for work.


Amber was feeling tired and a little sore after a long day's work. She waved goodbye to Frankie as he left for home. She watched his receding form until it disappeared in the shadows created by the lamplight. She turned and went into the storehouse to check on something before she left for the day. Satisfied that all was good and right, she exited the building and locked it up, tucking the keys into her trouser pocket. Suddenly she froze, a shiver tracing down her spine. The sensation felt familiar. Slowly she turned. Standing behind her was the black butler from the day before. Another giant shiver ran through her body when she looked into his eyes.They glowed like silver-veined embers in the moonlight.

"W-what do you want?" Amber asked, trying to control her voice. In her fright, she'd forgotten to alter her voice. She silently cursed herself, hoping he hadn't notice.

The dark man smiled ominously, in Amber's opinion. His snowy white glove flashed in the darkness, a stark contrast to his coat, as he place his hand on his chest. "Good evening." He said in a deep, smooth and velvety voice that made Amber's knees feel weak. "I would like you to come with me." Without a moments warning, the world around Amber went completely black. She screamed, her heart threatening to burst out of her chest and run away.

"Let me go!" She cried, trying to beat and kick the man into releasing her. But he just tightened his grip and slung her over his shoulder. She felt him start to walk.

"I said, let me go! Put me down! I order you to!" A chuckle drifted through whatever was over her head.

"I'm sorry, but I do not take order from anyone but my master."

"And who might that be?" Amber inquired angrily, grabbing a fistful of the man's silky hair and giving it a hard yank. He seemed unaffected by it.

"Ciel Phantomhive." Came the response. Amber froze, her hand still tangled in his hair. Ciel Phantomhive? That boy was the Ciel Phantomhive? What could he possibly want with her? She must've voiced the last thought aloud, because the butler replied. "You will see."

Amber felt herself being tossed down on a seat like a sack of potatoes. She heard a door slam and then whatever she was sitting in rocked to the side as if someone climbed on it.

This must be a carriage, she thought to herself. She pulled on her bonds as the carriage lurked forward, horse's hooves clip-clopping on the cobble stone. The butler had tied her hands and feet before depositing her in here in such an unsightly manner. Very ungentleman like. Not that he was a gentleman.

Giving her bonds another tug, Amber could tell there was no escaping. The knots were tied perfectly and the bonds were secure, but not uncomfortably tight. Just enough to keep her there.

After what felt like an eternity, she was taken out of the carriage and carried bride-style. She sensed that she was being taken inside, though she wasn't quite sure how she knew. Maybe it was because she couldn't feel the cool night air on her hands anymore.

They went up a pair of stairs, down a hall and through a door. She was set down in chair, this time more gently.

"The boy, young master." The butler said to someone in the room. It must be Ciel Phantomhive.

"I see that." He said dryly. "Couldn't you have brought him here in a more....subtle manner?" Amber heard the rustle of fabric and the butler's voice sounded lower when he spoke. He must be bowing.

"Forgive me, my lord." Ciel just humphed.

"Remove the sack and bonds, Sebastian." Sebastian. So that was the demonic kidnapper's name. Complying to Ciel's order, Sebastian removed the sack that was over Amber's head. She gulped in a lungful of fresh, cool air, closing her eyes for a moment while he untied the bonds. When she opened them, she saw Sebastian standing there, her cap extended toward her. She snatched it from him and rammed it on her head. Then she turned her gaze onto Ciel. He looked the same as yesterday, except he wore different attire and no hat. His elbows were rested on the desk, finger laced under his chin. He was studying her with his one brilliant blue eye.

"What do you want from me?" Amber asked. Ciel shrugged and gestured at Sebastian.

"Let him explain." Sebastian bowed to him and turned to her.

"What is your name?" She wondered what this had to do with why she was here.

"Ambrose Misfield." She replied. Sebastian smiled, like he knew a secret. That made her nervous.

"Well, Ambrose Misfield, you are to be my apprentice as a butler."


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