Chapter Three--At Work

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The next day, Amber was back at the docks, bright and early. Derick set her to work preparing boxes for deportation later that day. She was to organize the boxes by the time of day they were to leave, earliest to latest. With the help of another dock hand by the name of Frankie, Amber was able to finish that task in time for the first shipment that needed to be loaded.

"Hey, Ambrose, come help me with this box! It's so darned heavy." Frankie called to her. She made her way through the stacks of boxes to him and slid her finger under the bottom of the box.

"On three." She said. "Three, two, one. Heave!" With their combination of muscle power, they were able to lift it and carry it out of the storehouse and up into the hold of the ship.

"You're pretty darned strong to be for bein' a pipsqueak. No offense." Frankie added. Amber smiled at him. She knew she wasn't the biggest girl in the world, so she took no offense. And she said so.

"None taken. You're strong too." Frankie blushed and scratched his ear.

"Shucks, thanks." Amber smiled and chuckled to herself. She was making boys blush now, even as one herself?

Throughout the day, she and Frankie worked as a team, loading and unloading the cargo ships. It was when she was breaking for a late lunch that she saw the most interesting people she'd seen all day an she'd seen plenty. The pair looked like master and servant from the way they were positioned as they walked. The one in front was a child who looked about twelve or thirteen and wore a ribboned top hat and cloak that ended about mid-back. He wore a patch over his right eye. A fancy cane was held in his gloved hands. He seemed to be of some high position, judging by his dress. And earl's son, perhaps?

The man behind him was twice as tall as he was. He had raven hair, much darker than Amber's, that fringed his pale face and red, demonic eyes. They sent shivers down her spine. The tall man wore a black double-breasted coat and a pair of perfectly white gloves, without a spot of dirt. Peeking out from under the coat was a tail of a tailcoat. Was he the boy's butler? Amber shook her heas. That was amazing. How could anyone dare approach them with the butler's eyes?

"What cha lookin' at, Ambrose?" Frankie asked from his seat beside her on the crate. Amber jumped. She'd forgotten he was there.

"Those two over there. See them?" She pointed to the earl's son and butler. Frankie followed her finger.

"Oh, yeah, I see 'em all right. That guy's eye's scare me, they do." Frankie shuddered. Amber patted his shoulder.

"You're not along, buddy." Amber watched them approach her boss, Derick, and speak to him. He see seemed to get flustered and quickly scooped his hat off the top of his head and clutched it to his barrel chest. He nodded eagerly, a smile on his face. He didn't look right that way. With one last nod and a bow--yes a bow-- Derick bustled away.

Frankie laughed. "He looks funny that way." Amber had to agree. Suddenly a cold feeling crawled over her, sending her skin shivering. She saw that the butler was now gazing across the dock straight at her. A creepy smile spread across his face. They stared at each other for a moment, him studying her closely, then he looked away and the cold feeling slowly subsided. Even when it was gone, Amber could still feel his cold gaze upon her goosebumped skin.

What had that been? It felt like the gaze from hell.

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