Chapter Five--First Night

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"What?" Amber repeated. Ciel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. The blue stone on his thumb flashed.

"How many times must I repeat it? Are you deaf?" He lowered his hand. "Sebastian  wants to teach you how to be a proper butler, as his apprentice." He glared at Sebastian."For the life of me--" Ciel winced slightly--" I cannot fathom why." Sebastian smiled innocently.

"You will need someone capable to take over my duties when I am gone." Ciel laughed at his words and inclined his head back. Amber didn't know what was funny about any of this. She was being forced to become this demon man's apprentice! And weren't butlers only boys? Oh, that's right. They thought she was a boy. She mentally cursed herself at that moment. Maybe she should tell them who she really was: Amber Misfield. No, she couldn't risk it. They might tell others and it could make its way back by word of mouth to the harbor. Then Frankie and Derick would know and she'd lose a friend and a job. She couldn't allow that. She'd grown fond of Frankie and needed the money to support Johnny.

Suddenly Amber gasped and bolted up out of the chair she'd been sitting in. Ciel and Sebastian stared at her, startled.

"What's wrong?" Ciel asked her. Amber reached up and pulled anxiously on her hair.

"My-my brother. He'll be worried sick. He's probably scared. What if something happened to him. Oh, God!" She babbled worriedly, wringing her cap that she'd taken of her head in her hands. Ciel leaned forward in his chair.

"Don't worry about your brother. Sebastian will take care of him." Sebastian raised an eyebrow at his master. Ciel gave him a look and he inclined his head.

"First show Ambrose to his room. Then you can take care of his brother, after dinner."

Sebastian bowed. "Yes, my lord."


Amber was led to a bedroom by Sebastian, which, according to him, was right beside his. He left, ordering her to wait there for his return. He said he must prepare dinner for his master. 

Amber explored her room. It was small, compared to Ciel's study, but it was bigger than her and Johnny's home. It could fit inside this room one and a half times. Maybe more. 

She tested the bed tentatively. It was soft and sank under her touch. She gingerly sat on the edge. It felt heavenly. She bounced on it and laid back. She sighed. 

"This is wonderful..." She gazed up at the canopy over her head. Presently, Amber felt herself drift off into a dreamless sleep. 


When Amber woke up, sunlight was streaming thought the crack between the thick curtain that hung over the window. She yawned and sat up, stretching her arms high above her head. Rubbing one of her eyes, she noticed that she was underneath the blanket, unlike when she had fallen asleep. Sebastian must have come back and put her there. She shivered at the thought of him sneaking in here and touchng her. Alone in the same room as a demon man. Giving her arms a vigorous rub, she  tossed aside the blanket and threw her legs over the side of the bed. She slid her feet into her shoes and grabbed her hat.

Amber wandered around the examining the furniture. She ran her finger across the top of the mantle and it came away clean. The room was spotless, not even a grain of dust or dirt. She was amazing. Then she went back to the bed and sat down, unsure if she should leave the room. She ran her hand over the blanket's surface. How Johnny would have loved this bed. Oh, Johnny...He must be so scared. Tears stung the back of Amber's eyes.

"Amber!" Oh, wonderful. Now she was even hearing his voice. A tear fell down her cheek.

"Amber!" Johnny's voice sounded louder this time. She heard running footsteps outside her door and she looked up as the door burst open.

"Amber!" Johnny dove across the room into Amber's arms, crying into her shirt.

"Johnny, how did you get here?" She asked, shocked. She looked up and spotted Sebastian standing in the doorway, a pleasant smile on his lips. "Oh." She hugged Johnny tightly.

"Young master has instructed me to prepare baths for both of you. So if you would follow me." He swept his hand out toward the hall. Gripping her brother's hand tightly, Amber stood and followed Sebastian. He led them down the hall to the bathroom. Holding the door open, he said, "Since you are brothers I thought you might both bathe together." Amber and Johnny entered the room and she saw there was only one tub filled with steaming hot water.

"Thank you." She said tensely. Sebastian smiled at her. They stood there looking at each other for a while. "Are you going to leave or stand there the whole time." Oh,  she hoped not. 

Sebastian bowed slightly to her. "No, I was just waiting to see if you needed anything, Amber." She stiffened.

"W-what are you talking about. My name isn't Amber. It's Ambrose" She laughed shakily. 

"Of course. Them Amber is just a nickname, I suppose?" He inquired. Amber gulped nervously.

"Haha, as you said, of course." She forced a smile that she hoped was convincing.

Sebastian gave her his innocent smile. "Then I shall depart." He placed his hand to his shoulder and left, closing the door behind him.

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