Righteous Royal

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By, Royal Decree
A man walks the gallows

By, royal decree
Has it always meant death to me?
Rain dances in torch lights shadow
Silver shackles are charred as the mud beneath my boots
My hair is dampened black like the mark on a criminal's soul
What is it like to know
That you will be without
The piteous moonlight
Eve of the eve of hallmark celebration
The town will talk of you dissertation

By  Royal Decree
A man clouds my minds wake

By Royal Decree
Will it always mean they haunt me?
Does the name make me the same?
His doppelgänger minus the red clothes
I tried it on once,  years ago
The mantle so large and blood stained
"Cloaked so swiftly within, I felt choked"
I mustn't try to fill his shoes
No, I will begin crafting anew
Its not him nor his they are dealing with
His outlines I won't be
From now on they deal with me
By Royal Decree
"Is it fair ?"
"Is it just?"
I suppose neither
Nor either can be achieved

By Royal Decree

Righteous  is  all I can be

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