She gets jealous

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Inspired by LaurenJaureguisGirl
Your perspective
so today was the album release party because revival Selena was so happy and I was happy for her of course I means she had world her ass of making this album and I was just an amazing album her voice was amazing and the Lyrics were amazing to the whole album was amazing. So that means the Selena was having a party and she invited all of her friends and staff me of course was just siting in a corner just on my phone drinking a soda because I don't drink and I will never drink because that just disgusting I don't like to drink don't like being around people who drink it just eww I don't like it but of course Selena made me come so that why I'm here at the club where the party is and yes there a lot of boys here and girls Bearcats well Selena is famous and was just look at my phone then I'd random asshole spilled beer all over my which it course was disgusting I mean it is beer and he tried to apologize but I was just not listening. How is a girl like you Just sitting in a Corner all by herself are you here will anyone he said. Well my here with my girlfriend. Oh he said. Yea now would you please get you stuff and go. But you really pretty and I was wondering if you wanted a drink. Not I don't drink beer. The can we dance. Not I'm fine I'm my little corner. That is when he had enough he stared to kiss me and you could smell the beer in his mouth🤐😭. Just plain disgusting I tried to get him off of me but he was to strong so I was just Screwed can like some one just help me I feel so violated.
Selena Perspective
I'm just hanging out my fiends that I see that my girls is been kissed by someone that not mean that person haves The audacity to kiss MY girlfriend I course I got mad and jealous I mean who wouldn't. I went up to that bitch push him off of her and kick him out of the club. And my girlfriend was having trouble Breathing. Are you okay Y/n yea okay good now let's go home baby. Okay Selena. I don't even know how that guy got I'm here. We got in the car and I was still mad but Y/n claimed my down of course. Y/n. yea. your mine okay mine. In know Selena. We got home and sat on the couch
and put I'm a movie and cuddled
The end

Hi I hope you In joyed it. Thank you for reading means the world. Please like and vote and comment what you think Bye have an amazing day or night or after noon ❤️🚊and remember you are amazing the way you are. Kill people with kindness -Anonymous

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