Chapter 13

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// January 30th 2015 //
- Payton -

It's been over a year and a half since I last saw Niall and I'm still healing. I haven't talked to him since the day after that fight, when we broke up officially.

I haven't been in a relationship since. It doesn't feel right if it's not with Niall.

Once we broke up, there were stories about it for a solid two and a half months. The stories finally ended once people realized that this was a legitimate break up. It's still fresh to me, every time I wake up I roll over and find that he's not there. Every time I get a text or a tweet or even an email, I hope that it's him but it never is.

The other boys call though. I hear from Louis and Zayn the most after Harry. Harry and I talk everyday because he's my best friend in the world and he understands why it still hurts to be without Niall. Speaking of Harry, I was on the phone with him as I was walking to Taylor's apartment in New York City.

"She joined us for the end of the tour, Payton," Harry tells me and I hold back tears. "It was different than when you joined us. You brought happiness, all she brings is awkward silence as we hear her and Niall in the next room doing God knows what."

"I just can't believe they're still together. We were best friends and she just betrayed me like that. It's like she never cared," I confess to Harry and he sighs.

"I know, I saw Acacia all over him. It disgusted me."

I laugh.

"I'm so glad I've got you, and I love talking to you, but I'm about to cross a street so I'll talk to you later alright?"

"You know I'm all about safety. Love you, talk soon yeah?"

"For sure. Love you too," I say and then hang up, knowing he did the same. But back to the Acacia and Niall business, I have to explain this.

So Niall and I broke up officially on the second night of the Los Angeles show on their Take Me Home tour. Both of us were equally heartbroken, but I was told that Acacia convinced Niall to let her go to the show in my place. That was perfectly fine with me, they're great live. What wasn't okay was that my now ex best friend decided to fuck Niall before the show on a couch in his dressing room. Before we broke up. They've been together ever since and honestly, it cuts me to the core. As soon as I found out, I stopped talking to her. I deleted her number and unfollowed her on all social media, almost exactly what I did to Niall but I still have Niall's number ... just in case. Because I unfollowed her on everything and deleted her number, Acacia attacked me online. She was awful, it was a rough week.

Since Acacia attacked me and badmouthed me to all of our mutual friends, I lost a lot of friends and have become distant with people I used to be so close with ... it sucks. My closest friends now are Austin (you know, my brother), Taylor, Harry, Zayn, Ashton, Calum and Selena, oddly enough. I became friends with Selena when the Acacia and Niall drama happened, she reached out to me before she flew to New York to see Taylor and we've been super close ever since.

But back to reality. I was almost to Taylor's apartment now, only being stopped a couple times by fans of hers. It's nice to not be stopped and asked about Niall, it helps me get over him a bit. I walk up the steps to Taylor's apartment and unlock the door, the fresh smell of cookies hitting me the moment I walk in. I take off my shoes and jacket and leave my purse by the door before heading to the kitchen, where I find Taylor and Karlie (Kloss, one of her best friends) baking.

"Payton! It's so good to see you," Karlie smiles, giving me a warm hug. I smile and hug her back, speaking once we pull away.

"It's good to see you too, Karlie. I had a feeling you were here, Taylor doesn't usually bake cookies by herself," I joke, hugging my sister who just rolls her eyes.

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