Chapter 15

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- Payton -

Three videos that I starred in made their way onto Twitter, causing my name to become the second most trended in the world. Those videos were;

1. My snapchat video of me giving Zayn a lap dance to a One Direction song (I'm okay with that, it was already on social media)

2. A fan video of my fight with Acacia

and 3. Niall singing his solo in Little Things to me instead of Acacia (she almost slapped me backstage after the show, it's been a great time so far!)

To be honest with you, I didn't mind the videos nor did I mind what people were saying about me. Everything they said I'd heard before. Slut, whore, unworthy, ugly, bitch, those were things I had heard two years ago when I was with Niall and they were just being repeated now. It's nice that they're into recycling.

Anyway, my phone had been blowing up all day with notifications and text messages, some from very angry people and some from people who were telling me which video was their favourite to watch. Management thought it was great, I knew they were already plotting to squeeze publicity out of me and Acacia since they let her come on the tour as well as me. I was still really pissed at Acacia and Niall for simply just being together because I am sure as hell not the slightest bit over Niall. I loved him for so long and I still love him, it's hard to let such intense feelings go. I don't know how Taylor can do it. Speaking of Taylor, she did call me the moment those videos surfaced on the internet and lectured me, which I totally deserved and I'm glad she did. I'm not sure if lectures are supposed to make you feel better, but hers did.

Anyway, a loud ding from my phone startled me and brought me back down to Earth. I was sitting on a not so comfortable chair in a radio station, inside the booth where Zayn, Liam and Louis were doing an interview. It was originally gonna be Zayn, Niall and Louis, but I'm not allowed to be alone and Acacia and I weren't allowed to be near each other... it's what Modest! requested. I checked my phone and saw that Ashton had tagged me in a response to something Michael had tweeted, which reminded me that I hadn't talked to Ashton in awhile I'm a bad friend.

@Ashton5SOS: @Michael5SOS looks like you can't refer to @paytonswift as your sister anymore mate ;)

Confused, I scroll up and read Michael's tweet.

@Michael5SOS: that payton swift video........ zayn malik's a lucky guy #hearteyes

I laugh at his tweet, thinking it's the best one so far before making my own in response.

@paytonswift: @Ashton5SOS @Michael5SOS keep it in your pants michael

I exit Twitter after that, just minding my own business until I hear my name being brought up. The interviewer was asking them what they thought about the video okay cool! Totally wanted to know what Liam and Louis thought. I cover my blushing face with my hands and hear a chuckle.

"Looks like someone's suddenly shy," Louis mocks me, making everyone else laugh. He sticks his tongue out at me and I mimic him, Zayn giving me a stern look after I do.

"Continuing on the topic of Payton Swift," the interviewer says, shifting his attention to Zayn. "How's everything, mate?" he asks and Zayn looks at me while biting his lip.

"I mean, you saw the video," he smirks, biting his lip again while rolling his eyes back and making the 'okay'/ 'alright' symbol with his fingers. The boys chuckle and I shake my head. "I'd say it's going pretty well so far, what do you think babe?" Zayn asks me and I nod my head, feeling slightly embarrassed.


she's so hot WTF

me meeting Zayn: hi please give this to your girlfriend. it's my phone number.

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