I love you today...it's true

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It was snowing. Kyle Broflovski stood outside at Starks Pond muttering to himself. He was quite sad and confused. He is bi and told the class a few days ago. Everything would be fine they said. No one would just judge you they said. After Kyle told the class he felt relieved. It was suppose to be like the weight on your shoulders are gone. But they weren't. Ever since he told the class, he felt like he has been ignored by everyone. It's weird, because Cartman usually would pick on him, but instead of that he just ignores him and acts like it all didn't happen.

It is snowing really hard now. Kyle shivers. "Maybe I should go home."he thought. But his legs wouldn't move as he started crying. He didn't like this feeling. Being alone all the time. Having no one who understands you. Sure, everyone understands that it is hard to accept that you like girls and boys. But the main problem was. His mother wouldn't approve. What if she finds out? Kyle didn't care if the whole world knew that he was bi. If somehow his mother doesn't know, it's fine.

He cried more, but silently, so no one would hear. He always cries during the lessons, but no one saw. Always talking, but he can't be heard. What a poor boy. He has many friends. But it seems like he has none. Then the young boy got hugged from behind. "Huh? " asked Kyle confused. These hands, he knows them...

Kyle's POV

"Don't cry, Kyle... " I heard. This voice belongs to my best friend, Stanley Randall Marsh. I looked behind me and hugged him. "Why are y-you here? " I asked him while sniffing. He hugged me tighter. "Dude, I called you like twenty times and you wouldn't answer my messages! I then tried to go to your house, but your dad said, that he thought you were with me. I have been worried sick! " he says almost yelling. "I'm sorry... " I cried on his shoulders. He pats me on my back a few times. "Hey, I'm your best friend. You can always come to me if you're lonely. I would like to hang out with you again. " he smiled. I looked at his face and fake smiled. "Thanks, Stan. " I say while wiping my tears off. "No problem, buddy. Now let's go home. " he says and takes my hand to walk through the snow.

Only if you knew...

Weeks has passed. Everyone has started to act normal again. Cartman picks on Kyle for being jewish. Kenny starts reading playboys again. Stan and Kyle are just being best friends.

I'm going to tell him. I'm going to tell Stan how I really feel about him. After the lesson they both walked to each other. "I've got to tell you something. " they said in unison. We both laughed. "Alright, shall we go to my house? " Stan asked me. "Kay. " I replied. We walked to his house and we went to his room. I sat on his bed, making myself comfortable and so did he. "Sooo, " he started. I looked him right in the eye. "H-here. " I gave him a piece of paper. He read it and looked shocked.

I love you today
It's true

"Kyle... " Stan says. Stan didn't know what to say. His best friend loves him. The sad thing is "Wendy and I are dating. "
Kyle's eyes became wide. He knew he shouldn't have said this. It was all a mistake. Kyle said nothing and ran out of his best friend's house. "Kyle, wait! " the raven haired boy shouted, but Kyle didn't even turn around to look at him.

It was a mistake to fall in love with you.

Hey, guys. Another Style fanfic. It's not a happy one. This story is based off my real life experience. Kyle in this story is basically me :( next one will be more happy tho :D

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