Diapered weekend

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I finished the dishes and checked the fridge, I was still thirsty from the elixir. Hopefully, it will wear off soon and I won't be thirsty all the time or wetting myself.    

  We're out of OJ and sodas. Only bottled water. I grabbed a bottle and returned to my room.

  I'm going to need to buy something to drink soon. The market is just down the street. I can go there and back in 20 minutes. I should see just how much these night diapers can hold.

  I changed into a long sweater. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, but soon realized there was no way I could get them over this night diaper. I tried on a pair of tights and looked in the mirror. With the extra padding, I actually have a booty, which is rare, for those of us of the Asian persuasion.

  I grabbed my purse, phone, sunglasses and another bottle of water and headed out. I listened for the crinkling sound of the diaper but it wasn't there, thanks to my tights.

  I was a little self conscious knowing I was wearing a diaper but who would suspect I was wearing one? I felt the strangest sensation. I am wetting myself while walking down the sidewalk. Thankfully, the diaper was still holding.

  I entered the market, grabbed a basket and went to the drink aisle. There were so many choices. I went with iced tea, Coke and my favorite, grape juice.

  I passed the baby aisle and backed up and decided to look at the diapers. There were almost 20 different types of diapers, Pampers, Huggies, Luvs and more. There were were no Teen Pampers or VS Pampers.  There were teen pull-ups but not the type the girls had giving me.

  I went to the cash register and paid for everything. I was already starting to feel thirsty  I had finished the bottle of water I brought with me. There was a boba store in the same plaza. I walked over and ordered a large milk tea boba.

  While waiting for my drink I could feel my diaper getting warm again. The plastic between my legs was starting to swell. I could feel the vibration of the warning sensor. The diaper was reaching its limit. It truly is a 12 hour diaper. I picked up my drink and headed home.

  While walking home I noticed a feeling in my stomach. I need to poop. Oh no! Will the elixir make me poop too? I didn't feel the urge that I wouldn't be able to hold it. It should be safe to walk home.

  I arrived home and could feel the diaper sagging from all the wettings. Thankfully, the elixir only seemed to make me pee uncontrollably. I removed my dress and looked at the diaper. It was swollen almost three times bigger than when it was dry.

  I went to the bathroom and removed the tapes and removed the diaper. I used the toilet to poop and then showered.

  I selected a cute diaper panty from the VS bag and put it on. There was no way anyone could tell it was a diaper, without looking at the inside. The rest of the day was uneventful. The elixir was still working and showing no signs of wearing off. I went through two more of the VS diaper panties until it was time for another night time diaper.

  Sunday was a lazy day at home. Netflix, reading Wattpad and I kept checking the schools Instagram, fearing that somehow I would see myself on it. The elixir showed no signs of wearing off. I was practically a drinking and peeing machine. The diapers worked well and I was getting to the point of not even noticing when I was wetting myself.

  I was starting to worry about having to return to my moms house after school tomorrow. Would the elixir still be making me wet myself? Would I be able to hide the diapers from her, as easy as I could from my dad? I packed my overnight bag with only 4 of the night diapers and eight pairs of the diaper panties. Two diaper panties a day and a single night diaper, should be enough, until I am back at my dads on Friday.

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