Jake's New Attitude

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Emily could feel the warmth spread through her diaper panty. She was fearful for what Jake was going to do and her bladder was emptying itself in response. As they locked eyes she stopped walking and stood in front of the towering bully.

"Hey Emily." Jake said with a calm and respectful attitude.

"What do you want Jake?" Emily replied worried about what jake would say next.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to make sure everything is cool between us, after yesterday."

Emily was surprised at Jake's attitude. Nothing was ever "cool" between them in the past. Jake always seemed to have some issue with her. Maybe, the fear of having the photos released actually had the desired effect. Emily wanted to say something mean to him now that she had the chance. She didn't want to provoke him and have everything go back to the way it was.

"Yea, it's cool". Emily coldly replied, as she turned to go through the main gates of the school. Her throat was dry after the confrontation with Jake. When she arrived at her first class, she quickly drank the entire bottle of water.

Emily felt more confidant in gym class. No one could tell the panty she was wearing was actually a diaper. She changed in her normal routine and quickly looked at her panty. It was definitely more full after drinking the entire bottle of water at the beginning of first period. She looked around, no one was looking at her. She finished changing into her gym shorts and went to play tennis.

After tennis she changed back to her leggings. She could tell her diaper needed to be changed as the tight leggings squeezed the warmth and wetness against her crotch. She grabbed her backpack and headed to the bathroom, where she would change into a dry diaper panty.

Upon reaching the bathroom there was a sign posted. "Closed for repair". Darn, she needed to change and the other bathroom was very busy, due to its location near the lunch area.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her arm and started pulling her. She nearly lost her balance. It was Jordan.

"Come on Emily, let's eat, I'm starving." Jordan said as she held on to Emily, dragging her to the lunch area.

Both girls sat down and started to open their lunch. After hearing about Jordan's morning, Emily told her about Jakes new attitude. They were both in agreement that they had enough evidence to blackmail him and ruin his "reputation".

  "Emily, are you excited about the multi club party Friday?" Jordan asked.

  "Party? Emily replied. Suddenly feeling anxious about meeting others.

  Jordan sensed Emily's uneasiness about the party. "Don't worry, you'll get to meet people from other schools that have clubs just like ours. They will also be bringing their newest members too."

  Emily felt a little better knowing other new members would be there too. Would they also be littles like her? What about the diapers? With that though, she was reminded that she had to find an open restroom to change her now nearly full diaper.

  As Emily was about to tell Jordan of her need to change, the first bell rang signaling time to go to the next class.

  "Jordan, I need to change soon." Emily said with a little worried expression.

  "Really? Which diaper are you wearing? Jordan asked, looking slightly puzzled.

  "Just the regular panty diaper." Emily said.

  "Well, that's why silly. Just wear an overnight diaper with a pair of panties over them. No one will notice." Jordan assured her.

  The girls said their goodbyes and Emily rushed to class. The diaper panty would have to hold. Unfortunately, Emily had drank a full bottle of water with lunch. The sensor had started to vibrate indicating it was time for her to change.

  Only 2 classes left. Will the diaper hold her uncontrollable bladder? What will happen if the diaper is full? Will it leak before school is over? Emily started to worry as she sat in class, feeling more wetness spreading between her legs. Emily tried to ignore the sensation and concentrate on her teacher and also thought about the party Friday night.

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