From Silverado to Whitworth

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So as y'all might have known by now, Troy, my best friend and wide recorder, has gotten an offer to go to Whitworth Boys' Academy. They have the best school football team in Texas. He was guaranteed a starting spot and apparently he took it. He didn't tell me until I literally chose him as the most dedicated player, and brought him along with me to go to meet the NFL legend, Kurt Warner. He told me on the drive there. We both sat in the back of my mom's car when he told me. I made a playbook for him and everything! I was so mad when he told me he was leaving the Bulldogs because my best player had just become the best player for another team. I was so mad, that when we went to meet Kurt Warner, I began to argue with him. Every time someone talked to me, I managed to find a way to turn it into a conversation about how Troy was heartlessly abandoning his team. I may have accidentally pinched Kurt Warner along the way, before getting us kicked out.

I found a way to sneak back in and we got a chance to talk to Kurt Warner, himself. He agreed with me that Troy should stay dedicated to his team, which made me realize that I was wrong. If football is all about supporting your teammates, I should've been supporting Troy.

I told him that I wasn't okay with him going to Whitworth but I will be. I explained that I wasn't as upset about losing my best player, as I was about losing one of my best friends. He apologized and said that hurting me wasn't at all his intention. We hugged (well I hugged him REALLY tightly) and mom mom drove us home.

Surprisingly, the team wasn't nearly as upset about Troy leaving as I was. I was guaranteed that they would be far more devastated than I was. Turns out, they were happy as heck. "Who would be upset about Troy living his dream? Who does that?" Newt asked. "I did that" I said ashamedly. Everyone began to make fun of me for it, then I pulled out my pinching fingers and Troy suggested that everyone run. So they tried. Not all succeeded.

Anyway, so the point of this entry was to discuss my feelings about Troy leaving. Because as you can tell from the story, I was mad, then sad and then kind of accepted it but I was all over the place about it.

So now I'm telling y'all how I feel about it here and now. I haven't exactly been talking to Troy at all within the past days. I walked by him outside today and he just said "Bella" in a stubborn voice and I returned the favour by doing the same thing back to him. Then my friend Kim yelled at him and told him his face was illegal? It was weird, but it could've been true. Right? Nah, only in mine (and apparently Kim's) dreams.

So I'm obviously still a little upset about it and whenever I think about it, I become mad at him but then remember that I'm the selfish butt-nugget, as Newt put it. It's killing me because he has officially moved to Whitworth. I know that for a 100% fact, he's not in any of my classes anymore, or even my grade at Silverado West. He's now an average 9th Grader at Whitworth Boys' Academy. It drives me crazy, I feel like the Bulldogs just lost our entire season. But I try to think that it's what's best for Troy and his football life right now and try to stay strong and keep the Bulldogs pumped up. Because honestly, I wouldn't be on the Bulldogs team anymore if it wasn't for him. Back to my first entry, I said that he was the first one to say "Then play Bella" when Coach wasn't going to put me in right before my first game. If he hadn't said that, the entire team wouldn't have fought for me and I wouldn't have played that night. That entire night was magical and it was because of Troy. And now that he's not even a Bulldog anymore, it just tears me apart sometimes. I lost one of my best friends... I don't know what to feel right now. I'm trying not to think about it and I'll pray to God and the football spirits tonight. Sophie, Pepper and Kim are sleeping over tonight so I'll be pretty occupied, I think. They're also babysitting tomorrow night and I am too. Sophie is babysitting with me but Pepper and Kim will be in different places.

So anyway, I guess I'm not okay with Troy leaving, but I will be. I'll be over it before I know it. It'll be like the snap of my fingers....not working...still not working...anywho! Thanks for listening, y'all are awesome! Keep yourselves updated with my online journal, I'm betting it'll get better! Enjoy the rest of your night/day/evening (whenever you're reading this!)

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