One Year Ago...

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Tonight...tonight was the annual homecoming dance. I remember last year like the back of my hand...

Zach Barnes had asked me, I was super happy yet worried at the same time. I was dating the enemy and could've burned down the school in a tragical love fire. The guys told me not to, after they found out that is, but I did anyway. It ultimately blew up in my face and he dumped me because our team beat theirs. The guys were right.

I was depressed, sitting alone on the bench, when Troy came and sat beside me. I told him what had happened, and he played the "I told you so" card, but then generously asked me to be his date. He let go off his many many favourite girls to go with just one, me. Then by surprise we won King and Queen. We danced together and it was a night to remember, and I always will.

That was a year ago. EXACTLY a year ago. Today was the annual homecoming dance once again, and once again, I had a lot of drama going on. I had two many dates ;) and didn't know what to do. I remembered winning homecoming queen last year, but didn't think much of it other than "maybe I'll win again, you never know."

Boy was I wrong, even being caught up in my own drama, it caught me by surprise when my best friend had won homecoming queen with my homecoming date from last year. I say karma, but I didn't do anything wrong so I'm guessing maybe not.

I had never had a mood change so quickly. It went straight down faster than I could even blink, or pinch myself to wake up from the nightmare. My best friend, Sophie was being crowned as well as Troy too. It hurt me harder than you would've thought, but I didn't show one bit of it. Not one. Nobody would've even guessed until I came home tonight, got into my pink fuzzy teddy bear pyjamas and refused to speak another word to anyone offline for the rest of the night.

So here I am now, still wearing my onesie pyjama, my throat in pain from not speaking for so long and friends who won't even text me back. You probably don't wanna see me right now, or even at school tomorrow. I'll still be a mess, I'm assuming.

I hope the night went better for you guys than it did for me. I hope y'all enjoyed the new episode of Bella and The Bulldogs tonight. Remember to follow me on Twitter (@BellzDawson) and Instagram (@BellsDawson). Thnx for listening, I appreciate all of your support.

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