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Writing this on my laptop sorry for different formatting, you all can hate me now


PunkPebbleMikey: Thanks for the pictures Lukey I'll make sure to put them to good use ;)

Hemmo1996: As long as you send some back ;)

PunkPebbleMikey: Of course

Hemmo1996: Hey Mike

PunkPebbleMikey: Yea?

Hemmo1996: Do you think it's weird that I'm so much younger than you?

PunkPebbleMikey: I mean, I kinda did at first but I'm only what, 4 yrs older.

Hemmo1996: Yea I guess but my friend said that you're probably some pedophile using me for nudes

PunkPebbleMikey: Don'y listen to what some punk said, I can assure you that I'm not using you for nudes. All that matters is that you don't think that.

PunkPebbleMikey: do you think that?

Hemmo1996: No

PunkPebbleMikey: See, all better?

[Luke didn't really feel any better]

Hemmo1996: Yea I guess

PunkPebbleMikey: You don't seem sure

Hemmo1996: I am promise :)

PunkPebbleMikey: Ok good

PunkPebbleMikey: Anyways I gtg, bye Lukey :)

Hemmo1996: Bye Mikey :)

PunkPebbleMikey: You mean more to me than just your body Luke, don't forget that.

[Luke felt a little better]


calswag: you there baby?

Hemmo1996: mhm

calswag: you still coming over?

Hemmo1996: i'll be right there

calswag: bring more lube, think were gonna run out ;)

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