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Hemmo1996: I had a lot of fun this weekend

PunkPebbleMikey: me too

PunkPebbleMikey: Maybe next time you could take me out

Hemmo1996: Yea you wish

Hemmo1996: You're obviously the guy in this relationship

PunkPebbleMikey: I'm pretty sure we're both guys though

Hemmo1996: You never know...

PunkPebbleMikey: Luke I've seen your nudes I know

Hemmo1996: true true.

Hemmo1996: I'm out of convo ideas :(

PunkPebbleMikey: me too :(

PunkPebbleMikey: You could send me a dick pic?

Hemmo1996: [image attached]

PunkPebbleMikey: Luke that's a cucumber

Hemmo1996: I don't know

Hemmo1996: Looks pretty penisy to me

PunkPebbleMikey: I don't think penisy is a word, or that that's yours

Hemmo1996: Prettttyyy sure I know my dic.k when I see it

PunkPebbleMikey: prettttyyy sure I know a cucumber when I see it

Hemmo1996: How bout no

PunkPebbleMikey: How bout yes

Hemmo1996: Will I get a kiss?

PunkPebbleMikey: When would I say no?

Hemmo1996: After I eat garlic

Hemmo1996: Or Fish or something gross

PunkPebbleMikey: yea I'd probably say no then

Hemmo1996: :(

Hemmo1996: I gotta go, lunch is over

PunkPebbleMikey: Awe

Hemmo1996: Bye Mikey mouse

PunkPebbleMikey: bye Lukey Pukey

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