Chapter One

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Harry's POV

She looked frightened. Like a little lost kitten. The guards pushed her into the lobby filled with mental patients. Her mascara and eyeliner ran down her face in little streams. My thumbs twitched as I was tempted to wipe away her tears. I know how she feels. Scared. And she should be. Because this was no place for a scared innocent girl. This place was for murderers and insane freaks. This place was the Asylum.

My thought were filled with reasons why she could be here. Crazy. Depression. Bipolar. Personality Disorder. Maybe even murder. The girl walked over and sat down on an empty chair. She leaned forward and put her head in her hands. The girl's black hair cascaded over her shoulders and she looked up.

Her dark eyes met mine and I stared. Her pale face was free of any makeup and dark circles circled her eyes. God, she needed sleep. She looked down right as the door opened and two guards came in. They walked over to her and both of them grabbed her by her elbows. The sad girl clenched her jaw and was escorted out of the lobby. I sighed sadly, knowing where she was going. Check In. The girl was still wearing street clothes and pretty soon she would be in the tan scrubs with white sandals like the rest of us.

I got up and walked out of the lobby, my sandals sliding along the floor. I walked down the hallway of Sacred Heart and stared at the yard. I see workers, preening the garden and very few patients walking the grounds. That was a privilege here and had to be earned by good behavior. I see the headmaster in front of the main door talking to a small family of 3. A man and a woman and a small girl. Her hair was identical to the girl who was just admitted. Huh, must be the girl's family.

I continued you walk and made a turn down Hall C where my room was located. I counted the number of rooms until mine was next. The door was open and as I entered, I closed it behind me. My wall was covered in artwork and album posters my favorite nurse let me have. And in the middle was 1 letter, the only letter I've gotten since I've been here. And it was from my best friend. I sigh and made my bed, which was still messy from this morning. Laying my pale blue blanket on the bed and tossing my plain pillow at the top of my bed and laid down. I close my eyes and thought.

***2 Years Ago***

The cold feeling flooded my body and I left my room. My vision clouded and my brain was overcome with darkness. It was happening again. I was getting bad. I smack my head and groaned laying on the floor when everything went dark.

I woke up to the sound of shouting. 4 FBI Agents stood over me and my cheeks were wet. I've been crying. I reached up to touch my cheeks and blood masked my hands in a red layer. I gasp and scooted away, looking down. "Why?!" I look down at myself and looked around. My senses rapidly invaded my body and I felt it. My skinny jeans were soaked and my shirt was coated in dark red blood.

The cops rushed in and I heard minimal talking and I was lifted up. My hands were pulled behind my back and I shook my head. "I didn't do anything. What happened? Where is my mom?" Questions flew out of my mouth.

"Shut up son. You are only making your case worse." The agent behind me said and more tears ran down my face.

He escorted my out of my house and I saw her. My mom. She was in a black body bag and they zipped the bag closed. My knees buckled and I screamed. The officer yanked me up with impressive force and I was tossed into the back of a black FBI van.

Sobs wrecked my body and I cried. My mind was invaded with confusion and I felt the truck leave the scene. I didn't know what happened to my mom but I know what happened to me.

***End Of FlashBack***

I curl into a ball and cry. The memories never fade and I want them too. I want them to just leave me alone. I don't know what is wrong with me. Cries erupt from my body and I tire quickly. Sleep invades me and I fall asleep.

The nurse knocks on my door and I arouse from my slumber. "Dinner is done" she says quickly and I nod. I get up and straighten out my scrubs.

Walking to the mirror, I look at my tired eyes and sigh. I fix my chocolate curls and slide on my sandals. Exiting my room, I move to the dining room. The noise level increases as I enter and I wince. I stand in line and wait for my turn.

"Styles" I mumble as I reach the pill lady. She hands me my cup and I gulp down all 4 of them. The small purple one, 2 big white ones and a green square pill. She nods and motions for me to continue forward.

I'm handed a tray loaded with dinner. It looks like mashed potatoes with some kind of meat and some gravy. I frown a little and grab a dull plastic fork. I head over to my usual spot and sit down. I scrape the gravy and meat off my potatoes and silently begin eating. Marvin soon joins me and so does Rosa. Two of the patients here who are actually decent to have a conversation with. We never say why we are in here and try to act normal. It helps to be honest. I nod and continue eating until I hear it. A small 'Hi' is murmured from behind me.

I turn around and see a set of familiar locks I saw earlier from today. Her face is washed out by the lights and I stare. I hear Marvin clear his throat and I snap back to reality. My eyes coming back into focus and the girls face comes into view. Now that I'm up close, I can see the small details the matter to someone. Her small dark brown freckles scattered on her cheeks and her long thick eyelashes surrounded her brown eyes.

"Can I sit?" She asks politely and Rosa nods yes. I scoot over and she sits down with her dinner tray. I continue looking at her and I feel Marvin kick my shin underneath the table and I flinch. My eyes drift over to him and I nod. I continue eating, throughly embarrassed and the table goes quiet.

We all finish around the same time and I leave to dump my tray. I can hear the girl's sandals shuffle around behind me and pretty soon she is at my side. She smiles up at me and dumps her tray.

"You are a little to happy to be in here. Why?" I ask as I set my tray on the metal cart.

"Oh don't worry about my happiness. It will change later tonight" she said with a sick grin and goosebumps arose on my arms. I just simply nodding and walked away.

"And my name is Lacey by the way!" she shouted after me and I looked back. Her sick grin was replaced with her small sweet smile and I nodded once again.

Lacey was not someone to associate with in this place. I headed back to my room as the memories began to take over again.

So there is chapter one! Vote, comment,&share.

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