Chapter Two

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Lacey's POV **after she got taken from the lobby**

The men placed me on a hard bed and laid me down. My hands were strapped down and my feet were pulled apart, then strapped down too. One of them left the room and the bigger one stayed. His back was too me and things shuffled around on a metal tray in the corner of the room. The guard turns around with a needle full of a clear liquid. I squirmed underneath the restraints and he walked towards me. He grabbed my arm and I jerked away, which made him tighten his grip. I wince and gave up, as he stuck the needle in my main vein. The cold liquid flooded my veins and took over my senses. My eyes floated back and my once tightened muscles relaxed, as unconsciousness took over.

I woke up to a bright white light directly over my head. I closed my eyes and someone was talking.

"..the feeling will go away.. sleep for now..dinner..and we'll bring you..there.." The mans words faded in and out. Sleep overran my body and my mind stopped.

I stirred as I heard talking. "Dinner is done. Time to get up Lacey" a woman spoke instead of a man.

I opened my eyes and the light was off this time. Pain flooded the inside of my arm and I gasp, sitting up. I grabbed it and felt a small bump. I looked at the lady and she walked over. "It's a tracker. We don't want to loose you." Her smile scared me and the restraints loosed on my ankles. Pretty soon my hands were loose and I swung my legs over to the side. Dizziness rushed over me and I swayed as I stood up. A plastic cup of pills was shoved in my face with a glass of water.

"Take these. They will help with nauseousness. Every day, before breakfast we will give you your daily pills and before dinner you will get another dosage for nighttime. Dinner is at 7:00pm and breakfast is at 8:00am. Lunch begins at 1:25pm and the lobby is open 8:00am to 10:00pm. Light off at 10:30pm. Going outside and having privileges will be earned. You start out with necessities and you can earn books, paper, pencils, tv time, going outside blah blah blah." She rambled off as I took my pills and walked out of the exam room into the hallway. The nurse led me down the hallway.

She continued rambling on about Sacred Heart, "Your doctor is Dr. Freetower and your room is located in Hallway B. You have no roommate but that may be changed later on if you are beginning to improve. Visiting hours are during the weekends, all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon only. Got it?". She abruptly stops in front of me and I nod yes.

We enter the dining room and I look around. Some patients were sleeping with their face in their food. I grimaced with disgust and continued observing. More patients filled the tables and some were waiting in line, getting their daily dosage like the nurse said. I noticed she had left and I walked forward. I saw the boy from earlier. The boy sitting in the corner in the lobby with brown curls. He was silently eating with 2 other people. I got in line and the cooks served my dinner. Mashed potatoes with gravy and turkey it looked like.

I walked over to his table and stood behind him. "Hi" I said softly, and the older man looked up at me. A soft smile appeared on his face and the wrinkles showed upon his cheeks and around his eyes. The boy in front of me turned around and looked at me. I looked at him and took in his handsome face. His vibrant green eyes searched my face and I saw little stubble around his chin. The older man cleared his throat and he continued staring. The soft pink lips had a little gap and I saw pearly white teeth.

"Can I please sit?" I ask softly as the older man shuffles his feet, kicking him and the boy snaps around and nods. The older lady nods yes. The boy scoots over and I sit down. I eat and no conversation rises. The food filled my stomach and it wasn't that bad. The boy gets up and soon after, I follow. He dumps the food in the trash and sets his tray on a metal cart. I do the same as he realizes I'm right beside him. I smile up at him.

"You are a little to happy to be in here. Why?", he asks in a dull tone.

I falter and am taken back by his rude attitude.

"Oh don't worry about my happiness. It will change later tonight" I plaster on a sick grin. And I see his emotion behind his eyes change. Fright. My smile grows and he nods, turning around and walking away.

His lanky frame walks out of the dining room. Before he fully exits, "And my name is Lacey by the way!" I yell after him and he turns around.

The red exit sign lights up his facial features and he nods. I smile sweetly and he leaves. I look around and see the two other people I ate dinner with have left. I decided to go check out my room. I leave the dining room and walk down the hall we enter front. I try to remember if the nurse had said my room number. I know she said Hall B but no number. I frown and walk to the main desk.

"Hi, I was just admitted and I need help finding my room" I state as the lady begins typing on her computer.

"Lacey?" She questions my identity and I nod. A nurse appears from the doors and takes me to Hall B.

"Your room is 111. And you are assigned to bathroom 1. You can take showers in there and there is a toilet located in your room." He informs me. I nod and simply follow.

The nurse unlocks my room and I absorb my new home. A plain bed with purple blankets sits in the corner. A large window with black bars is located on the left wall as you walk in. There is a chair with a small throw pillow in the other corner and a oak wooden desk and chair sits against the wall. A dark door is next to my chair and my eyebrows furrow with curiosity as I wonder what is it. "You are welcome to redecorate it when you earn the privilege." He says and nods, leaving the room.

I sit down in the chair and look outside. It has begun to rain and I watch puddles form in the indents in the earth. Mud is soon made and I sigh. This is boring. No TV. Nothing. I frown and open the door to my toilet. A simple porcelain toilet sits in the corner and a small sink accompanies it. I nod and walk over to my bed. I pull back the wool blanket and lay down. Closing my eyes, I cry. I was all alone again. I did this to myself. Sobs soon follow as I hit the wall. I scream and punch it harder. I hear people rush down the hall and guard infest my room. The girl nurse from earlier soon follows and 3 guards hold me against the bed. I thrash against the men and I become weak. My cries soften and I sob quietly, letting my body relax. The guards soon loosen their grip and the nurse flicks the needle. The same white substance from earlier enters my bloodstream and I fall into a deep slumber.

Chapter Two is up! Most likely will be working on chapter 3 tonight or later tomorrow. Vote, comment, and follow!

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