Chapter Four

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Lacey's POV

Pretty soon, I've finished 7 crosswords, in 90 mins. I think thats pretty good. More patients have arrived since then and the lobby was close to being full. But I still haven't seen the person I want to see most. Harry.

I frowned and got up from my seat. I set the crossword book down with my pen inside it and left the lobby. So far, Harry and I seemed to be the youngest in here. Which made me wonder what the age limit was here. Another question I'll have to ask. I looked up at the clock and it was 12:40 in the afternoon. I have about 45 minutes until lunch. Then my appointment is scheduled for after lunch. I decided to walk around Sacred Heart.

I head out of the lobby and take a left, which is opposite of the hallways and dining room. Painting of old people line the walls and the faint smell of old books and roses filled the air. I loved the smell of books. I keep walking and looked out the windows which show the grounds outside and pretty soon, a small pond with small fish appear. This place wasn't as bad as it seemed.

The hallway soon comes to an end and two doors appear in front of me. I try opening them and they were locked. I frowned and looked above the doors. A big sign displayed "Authorized Personal Only". I shrug and turn, going back. I passed Hall A. Then Hall B, where my room was located and Hall C. I've never been down this hall. I take a turn and stroll down Hall C. Some doors were open and some were shut. Some lights were off and others were on.

I kept walking until I was almost to the end. At the end, a big wooden chime clock was hung upon the wall. Two chairs were on either sides of it. I sat down and rested. I still had an half an hour till lunch. I decided to stay here until lunch was called. This hall was very quiet. It was almost peaceful. I closed my eyes.

Pretty soon, I heard a click of a door opening. I looked up and Harry appears. The tan scrubs were turned away from me and I abruptly stood up. In the process, the chair slid back and slammed into the wall. He quickly turned around and I saw relief overcome his facial features as he recognized it was only me.
I scared him and I didn't mean too.

"I'm sorry..", I whispered, "I didn't mean to scare you."

He sighed and smiled, "Yeah, I know. Its alright." He said walking back towards me. I fixed the chair and walked towards him. We stayed silent as we walked to the dining room. We were a little early but thats okay.

We sat down at our table and I looked at him. Once again, we both studied each others faces.

"How old are you?" We both asked at the same time. A crooked smile appeared upon his face, "You first".

"16" I replied and his jaw clenched.

"Oh", he stated simply.

"And you?" I questioned.

"21" he said and I nodded. He looked younger. Faint dimples laid on his cheeks and I thought of my sister. She had little dimples, not as deep as Harrys but they were still there.

More patients began filing in and Harry and I decided to get up and stand in line. He stood behind me and I know I looked so short in front of him. He must be around 6 feet and I'm only 5'3. The line scooted forward and I took 3 steps. I saw his feet behind mine. He made it so we were coordinated, foot going forward at the same time. I smiled and I know he was smiling too.

The line moved forward again and he coordinated our feet again. I smiled evilly and planned to stop the next time he moved forward "with me".  The next few people moved forward and I took one step and so did Harry. Then I stopped. His chest slammed into my back and I let out a laugh. He grunted in annoyance and I fell forward a little. I slammed against the floor and Harry had caught himself instead of falling.

"Damnit ouch" I muttered and stood up. Why do my pranks and jokes always backfire? I wiped off my scrubs and straightened them out. I looked up at Harry and Harry's face was blank and then a flash of anger spread across it.

"Why the fuck did you do that? You're so stupid. I was gonna fall on you or you were going to fall down!" He yelled and I was confused. I was just playing around.

I gasped and frowned, "I was just playing around Harry! Jeez lighten up" I said, glaring at him.

"You seem a little to happy to be in a place like this. Maybe your lost little girl because some of us have serious problems." He said with a snarl.

My face dropped and I felt tears threatening to fall. I clenched my jaw and walked away. The nurses in the room were silent and some of the patients were too. Some didn't even care and were still caring on conversations. I walked straight out of the dining room and headed to Hall B and to my room. I cried and cried. All the nurses and doctors knew why so no one checked on me.

Harry hurt me and I barely even knew him. At the moment, I wish I never met him. Tear streamed down my cheeks, non stop and I didn't think they were going to stop. My demons came out.

"What's wrong with you Lacey? Everything"

"Don't worry. We can make you sad"

"Harry thinks you're stupid"

"Harry doesn't like you"

That last thought killed me because that is the thought that mattered the most. More tears rushed down my cheeks and I held my pillow. I want my family. I want my life back. I want to see all my friends and I want to see my dog.

A knock of my door echoed through my room and my breath hitched in my throat. Is it Harry? I rushed to the door and swung it open. A girl stood there.

"Oh" my heart dropped and looked at the girl with disappointment.

"I-I'm sorry. I just heard and wanted to make sure you were o-okay" she stuttered and played around with her fingers nervously.

"I'm fine" I growled and glared at the girl. I don't need her to be concerned for me. Or to feel any type of pity towards me. I went to shut the door when a foot was lodged between the door and the wall.

"No you're not." His voice filled my room.


I opened the door and I looked up at him. Tears resumed their stream and he walked towards me. Arms wrapped around me and we fell to the floor. He didn't say anything but he just let me cry. I didn't care if I looked or sounded ugly or if I drooling on his scrubs.

I just cared that he was here and he was holding me. And I thought about how in such a little of time, how he could matter so much to me and be a stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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