Chapter Three

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***Warning: Self Harm and Suicide Content.***

Harry's POV

Screams sounded through Sacred Heart and I immediately sat up. No patient was ever this loud. Yeah, some screamed throughout the night. But none this loud. I slide on my sandals and exited my room. No other patients exited their rooms, just me. As I neared the end of the hall, I looked down the main hallway that led to either the lobby or the dining room. I forgot to check what time it was, incase a nurse stopped me.

I walked down towards the screams and crying. It sounded as if it was echoing out of Hall B. I look down the hall and I was correct. I see a group of guards struggling to keep a patient under control. Blood was flowing out of the patients wrist and I immediately knew the patient tried to kill themselves. I see nurses rushing up the main hall with bandages and needles. I quickly backed into the shadows making sure I was out of sight. Once the nurses reached the end of Hall B, I peeked around the corner and recognized her. The guards have turned the patient around and the face was now visible. The patient was Lacey.

My body filled with concern. Why did she try and do that? I resisted running down the hallway to help. She was completely fine earlier. But she did say her happiness would change later. It saddened me that she felt this way. I decided to leave and go back to my room. I'll just talk to her in the morning. I nodded, so it seemed as a good plan and I started my way back to my small room down Hall C.

I open the door to my room and sit down on my recliner. After staying here for 2 years, you kind of get to know the advantages and perks at Sacred Heart. My room was normal. But I didn't have the original chair that was in here when I came. I have a recliner now and I can decorate my walls. I have a few books and audio cassettes that can read them to me. I know how to read but its nice to "talk" to someone else other than nurses, therapists and doctors. Even if it was Morgan Freeman reading a book on science.

My mind didn't stop as I fell asleep, and my thoughts turned into dreams.

Lacey's POV

I woke up and I was no longer in my room. I looked around and saw INFIRMARY in large red letter above the doors. A nurse walked over and checked my monitors. I looked down and saw an IV in my arm and my wrist was bandaged. With the pain medications in my system, I nearly forgot what happened. I closed my eyes and demons took over.

"You didn't go deep enough"

"You didn't fight back hard enough"

"We could of taken you away from this place"

"You'll do it again, don't worry"

I sigh and open my eyes, looking around and the nurse was gone. Instead a older man in his 30s was walking towards my bed. I watched as he pulled a chair on the right side of my bed.

"Well Ms. Amaro, you sure didn't start off well here. I've made you an appointment with a psychiatrist today after lunch. Talk to her about what happened last night okay? We are only trying to help. Not scare you. We will keep you here until breakfast and then you may resume your daily activities." He said, making a few notes on his chart and left.  

I looked at the clock and I only have 30 minutes till 7am. I can wait. I looked around and saw other patients sleeping or talking to a nurse. Someone was being covered. I furrowed my eyebrows and saw a priest walk in. Realization set in and I immediately looked away. Someone died.

"That could've been you sweetheart if we didn't get to you in time." The nurse smiled at me and began unhooking me from the machines.

"Now come back after your appointment and we will change your bandages and come back after dinner or before bed also." She said and I nodded an okay.

She gave me a little pat on the back of my hand and walked away. I got off the bed and notices I wasn't wear tan scrubs anymore. They were a darker brown and I literally looked like a walking turd. I shook my head and walked out of the infirmary. I looked at the signs located on the wall, which tell me where to go.  I take a right and see my hall. I decided to take a look and see if everything was cleaned up. The blood in the hallway in front of my room was cleaned and my room was completely as it was when I arrived at Sacred Heart. The cleaning skills scared me a little. I only thought what they could do with that... Easily cover up a death. I erased the image from my head and left my hall. I walked towards the dining room and headed straight there, until a big body collided with me and I fell backwards. I let out a cry as I fell on my wounded wrist and the person fell to my side.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Here, let me get a nurse" he said and I looked up. It was the boy from dinner yesterday.

"No. I'm tired of them already" I groaned and grabbed his hand, standing up. His hands were rough, with small calluses on the palms.

I heard a deep chuckle erupt from his mouth and I looked at him. He has some sleep boogers in the corner of his eyes and I smiled. His curls pointed in every direction and dimples indented in his cheeks as he laughed.

"I felt the same when I got here" his morning voice filled my ears and I melted. Who is this guy?

I nodded and realized my hand was still in his. I blushed and immediately yanked my hand away. He let out a small chuckle again, "Let's get breakfast shall we?" He asked and walked to the dining room.

We both waited in line for our pills then for our breakfast. He took 4 pills. 2 larger ones and 2 smaller ones. I took only 3 pills. 1 to help with anxiety and 2 to help with suicidal thoughts and anti-depressants.

I grabbed a tray loaded with breakfast. A bowl of oatmeal and a cup of fruit, accompanied by a hard piece of wheat toast. All of it looks good besides the toast. I followed the boy, I have yet to learn his name besides his last, and sat across from him. We sat at the same table we did yesterday. With the same old man and old lady. I nodded at both of them and they both smiled. I wondered if they were a couple. Harry began eating and I did too.

"There is coffee and juice over there if you want some" the older man stated.

I nodded, "Thank you...." I let my voice trail, wanting to learn his name.

"Marvin" he said, pointing to everyone "and this is Rosa, and that there is Harry."

I smiled and looked at Harry. Harry was still eating and I studied his face. His dimples were faint on his cheeks and his busy lips ate his morning breakfast. I continued to eat mine. I finished and dumped my tray. Harry didn't follow unlike the night before and it saddened me a little. I decided to wait incase he finished soon. I walked over to the juice and filled a small cup with orange juice. I drank it and threw it away. He still wasn't finished. I sighed and left the dining room.

I never really have been to the lobby and I decided to go check it out. I was in there yesterday but for barely 5 minutes before they took me away. I followed the signs towards the lobby and looked around. Puzzles and books laid upon the tables. A TV was in a separate room and I saw some patients watching the news. Older ones to be specific. Maybe they still cared what was happening. Nothing really. Obama was still president and schools were still shit. That made me wonder. How was I going to still continue schooling in here? I reminded myself to ask later.

I sat down on the couch and picked up a book. It was A-Z Crosswords. I searched for a pen and decided to preoccupy my time with crosswords and puzzles.

There is Chapter Three like I said. Chapter Four possibly could be up later today. Most likely. Vote, comment and follow! Please and thank youu!

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