Chapter 1

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*disclaimer* I don’t own anything related to the walking dead...though I like to think I own Andrew Lincoln. ;)


I am exhausted, not sure if I can make it out of it this time. Not sure if I want to make it out this time.

My breathing has long since lost any sort of pattern. Sucking in air whenever my brain told me to.

My legs are burning. A dagger in my side twisting with every push forward. I don’t think, there will be time for that if I survive.

Growling snarls are behind me, daring me to stop, to give up. I can’t listen to them. I have to work on running. That is all I can focus on now.

I look back at the haunting faces that are straining for my flesh. They start to become welcoming. Why should I go on? For what purpose do I have to keep going?....

My ears tell my legs to stop as they hear the rumble of wood under ruber. I turn to face the rest of my exhausted body. Looking down at my leather clad feet, I see the small wooden bridge that sturdily holds it’s own over a narrow, what appears to be manmade, ditch, flowing with clear water.   

My eyes don’t leave the water. It looks so incredibly refreshing. I can see my reflection, dimmed but detailed. I can see how my hair is a frizzed mess of the neat braid it was mere hours ago. I touch my red hot face, slightly sunburned and peeling in small spots around my hairline. I look so worn down.-

Tears stream down my face as I make eye contact with myself. My eyes look so desperate, so tired. The blue in them not nearly the hopeful, bright ocean blue they once were. Instead they have become dark and lost, with streaks of grey coming in to replace the happiness.-

I hear a muffled voice. It must be the devils come to end everything. I don’t look away from my reflection. I bend down reaching for it. Lost in my own fiction.

A greedy, starving hand grabs my backpack and pulls me back. I snap out of my dilution, now looking into a biters dead eyes. I scream suddenly out of spite, or maybe just the suddenness of it all.

A loud bang brings a loud ring to my ears, and the monster drops. The weight knocks the wind from my slightly rested lungs, bringing the stinging back. I grab on to the side decking and pull myself out from under the dead one, and then up to my feet.

I hear what sounds like a young teen, his voice deeper, but still very young. “Hey! Come on! I’m saving you here!” I find him and run in that direction. My eye strain at the sudden brightness as I run out from under the shady trees. Once they adjust, I see the huge chain-link fence in front of me. My heart skips and I cough a bit at the shock of the huge prison in front of me. Also at the thought of the situation that could have just happened if not for this kid.

“Come on! this way!” He side jumps backwards aiming his gun and letting another shot fly. I stopped my dumbfounded state and got serious. Making a full-hearted push towards the boy, and I start out at a sprint.

I catch up to him and we run side-by-side. Looking forward I can see the entry. A man opening it as fast as he can pulling hard against some sort of chain pulley system.

A smile creeps across my face as we near the entrance. I think I do want to live. At least I can see where this place will take me.


I hope I did a good job here. I would love some constructive feedback. :) I have never posted my writings before! I have wanted to for a long time, but just didn’t have the gusto :) Anyway I’m going to post this and keep on writing :)!! I’m having so much fun! :D (sorry it's so short)

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