Chapter 3

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My surroundings are no more than understated.

It appears that this group manages to take over a prison. That is really impressive. Their leader must be amazingly organized.

My head is still a little fuzzy, and my whole body is shaky. I lean back against the wall. Wow I really need something to eat...

My cell is exactly what you would expect from, well, a jail cell. I have a toilet on the far wall, to my right. A small desk complete with a matching stool that appears to be bolted down. Now hold on, I don't want the design team to be overworked. I joke to myself, letting out a small giggle.

I have been alone too long...

I hear footsteps approaching and I sit up. Keys jingle for a while, then my cell door swings open.

"Sorry, I wanted to find Rick, and tell him about you waking up. He is our 'leader' of sorts, though we never made it official. He's a good man."

Carol walks in with a paper plate with refried beans and a side of canned carrots, along with a glass of water. She hands them over and I dig in.

"Oh right, Thanks so much for this." I almost forgot to thank her. "Not a problem." She smiles kindly.

After I finish my food I grab the water and gulp it down.

I hadn't realized just how thirsty I was until the water hit my tongue.

I put my now empty cup and plate down on the floor next to my bed. "I can clean those later, if you will alow me." I offer. Carol picks them up and heads to leave again, "Not just yet, Rick will be here to talk to you shortly. He has some questions he would like to ask you. Then, if you answer them well, you can start earning your keep." she walks out, locking the door again.

Well I guess I just wait them.

I lay myself down on my back, taking deep breaths.

I can feel the meal I just had slowly refill my energy supply. I close my eyes and just wait.

I don't exactly want to be asleep when this Rick guys comes.

However I do need some rest, so might as well just relax the best I can.


My eyelids start to get heavy when I hear the keys again. I snap awake and straight to attention. I sit up and wait.

The door screeches open as my visitor walks through.

He's tall. He looks straight up cowboy, but tougher. He seems to be not to far from my age. He may be around his mid to late thirties, though the dirt on his face isn't helping him look any younger.

A rather attractive man, if I do say so myself. His face growing some short subble, I love short stubble, I just makes a man look just that much more manly, and sexy.

It has been a while since I have seen anyone, let alone anyone this attractive. I'll just have to save those thoughts for later. Right now I need to pay attention to what this man has to offer me in terms of a place to stay.

He walks in and sits on the stool. His blue eyes are squinted and sceptical of everything. I don't exactly know what to do, so I wait for him to talk.

"Now, Rose is it?" he questions. "Yes?" I both confirm and ask. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees laxly, yet tence.

He is trying to come eye to eye with me, he must he getting to the point here. "Nice to meet you, now I have a few questions to ask you, and how you answer determines if you can stay here. You understand?" he seems like he is trying really hard, putting thought into every word.

"I understand." I get ready, feeling the seriousness of the situation. My hand have a hard grip on my knees as I wait for the first question.

His tongue move around playing with this inside of his cheek. He looks down and nods slowly. "Alright." He looks backup into my eyes.

"How many walkers have you killed?" I assume by walkers he means bitters, "I don't exactly know the number, quite a few, when they got to close of when I was attacked. Or to help someone." I am completely honest with him. I really don't want to mess this up.

He nods accepting my answer, and I feel my body relax a little. I'm ready for the next one.

"How many people have you killed." his eyes get hard, really reading my face in how I answer. I feel my stomach sink, and my eyes fall at the memory flashing before me. I pull myself together, clenching my jaw, "One." I look back up at him.

He leans back getting very stern now, "Why?"

I suck up all my emotions and give the shortest version of the story I can, "He was my husband. He didn't make it to the ladder in time," I pause needing to gather myself again, "he was suffering, they were all over him..." A tear slips out but my faces stays hardened.

My eyes don't leave his. I see a flash of sympathy in his face. He nods and stands, walking the doorway he motions me to follow.

I stand and wipe my tear away and take a deep breath. It's going to be okay now.

Hey! How was that? Good? I hope. Anyway I'm having a hard time sleeping, so I thought I would do something productive. Like wright another chapter! Yay! Anyway hope you enjoyed! :)

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