chapter 2

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We make it inside. The gates are promptly shut behind me and the kid. I fall to my knees. My legs seem to have not had a break in years. Though it have been several days.

My hands hit the gravel. I can feel the miner cuts form on my palms, I couldn't care less. My head bows and my eyes close. My head goes fuzzy.

I look up and make eye contact with the boy who saved me. He starts to smile, but it fades. I don't have time to process anything. Everything goes black.


My head is pounding. That is the only thing that I can feel. My eyes open and light floods my vision.

"Oh, god.." I breath out...

"I see that you're up." A woman's face slowly comes into my vision. "Well, hello." I state, sitting up very slowly.

"Woah, now. There is no need to act tough, you have been through alot." She takes ahold of my arm helping me stay steady. "My name is Carol by the way. You must have gotten pretty tough, being out there alone."

I start to feel a little overwhelmed, so I focus on our conversation in order to counter it. "I'm Rose. I suppose I had to, if I wanted to stay alive."

I bite my lip knowing that I was just saying what Carol probably wanted to hear. Carol looks at me with question in her eyes, "From what I heard, you found us just in time. Or maybe not. I really hope you decide to live."

She gets up and takes a few steps towards the door, "I'm going to go get you some water, and maybe something to eat, if the guys haven't scarfed everything down already." she smiles at her attempt at small talk

I smile back, "That would be really nice of you, it has been too long since my last real meal." Carol seems like a good person, I just hope everyone else here is as easy to get along with as her. Carol give me one last look over and smile before she walks out the door, grabbing it as she leaves.

Metal hinges squeal in protest as she swings my cell door shut, then locking it.

Maybe I misjudged her. Carol has a No-nonsense side. Though I feel a little more hostile, that is necessary these days. I think she and I will get along pretty well, that is, if this place works out.

I see you guys! This is so exciting! You guys are reading it! haha! anyway, I'm a dork. I would love to hear from you guys. Leave a comment or something, don't be shy!

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