the dare

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On top is music if you want to hear it.

Sabine: kanan!!!! Kanan!!

"What what is it Sabine?" Said kanan a bit irritated because he was disturbed while he was meditating

"You got a dare" Ezra said quite happily but Sabine didn't let him see

Kanan: go bother zeb or something

Sabine and Ezra: but you have a dare!!!

Kanan: *sign* so much for peace and quiet " okay just tell me it".

Sabine: okay your dare is to prank anyone you want....

Kanan: that's it?

Ezra: who you going to prank??

Kanan: listen kids get out I need to think of a prank....

They both get out

Later that day at the dinner table

Everyone was eating and Ezra was late

Hera: zeb go get Ezra please

Zeb: he's old enough to come here by himself

Sabine: nah he's coming

Kanan: 3......2.......1

And the door is flung open with ezradoing summer saults and he lands on the chair when.... A .. Loud " ppppptttttt" and smell comes

Sabine: aw...we Ezra why'd you leak one on no *gags*

Ezra: wait that wasn't me I swear!!!*looks on his seat* a woopy qotion real classic

Kanan: you just got pranked

Hera: will someone take Sabine to the infirmary

Zeb: I will only cause the smell isn't over there

Zeb picks up Sabine and takes her to the infirmary

Ezra: where'd you get the smell don't wanna know..

Hera: really is that why-

Kanan: * covers hera's mouth *ssssshhh the kid doesn't need to know.

Ezra: oh god no!!! Don't tell me your a thing and

Kanan and Hera: no!!!

Hera: I think chopper's calling me seeyah *runs out the door*

Kanan: *face plam * kid...I worry about you sometimes.,.

Ezra:heh...*sweat drops*

The next day

Sabine: you guys I forgot the other dare

Zeb:aaaarrrgghhh!!! I'm tired

Sabine: don't worry we just have to watch this rap....

Hera: oh...well I guess lets watch it

Ezra: yay

Kanan:please help me

After the video

Ezra: wow did you see me I look awesome you know Sabine you might wanna stick close so I can protect you

Sabine:in your dreams

Kanan:I don't know what to say

Zeb: I do it was a waste of time it made me look like I'm Ezra's babysitter or something and that comment

Hera: alright,alright we have our own opinions now calm down before-

Zeb and Ezra start fighting

Hera and kanan: and this is why we can't have nice things...

star wars rebels Truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now