dares and one truth

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Zeb:so...if I love someone..of course I'm not forever alone -_- and I won't be saying who I love

Ezra:\'_'/ tell us!!


Sabine:agh fine. Anyways Ezra has to dye kanan's hair as a rainbow


Kanan:agh...let's just get it over with

Half hour later

Ezra:hey phony tail guy

Kanan: -_-

Hera:don't look at me

Kanan: why? Me?

Sabine:cause your a kill joy

Kanan:I am not

Zeb:yes you are

Ezra:put your hair down!! Please!!

Kanan:no!! Now leave me alone!

Hera:come on guys leave him alone he gets to do what he wants

Ezra:fine...sabine tell us the next dare

Sabine:well it turns out me and zeb get to do whatever we want!☺

Zeb:oh yea!!

Sabine:and the best part is...you guys have to do whatever we want for a week


Sabine:you can not flirt with me for this week

Ezra:what!!but I'll do it anyway

Kanan:true the kid can't shut his mouth

Zeb and kanan chuckle

Zeb:well I'll see you guys later when I'm done with my nap☺

Zeb leaves

Hera:I have a bad feeling about this

Sabine:from now on if Ezra briger flirts with me chopper gets to shock him......where is chopper by the way?

Hera:probably in the pilot room...

Sabine:will you get him please?


Hera gets up and leaves to find chopper

Sabine:now that she's gone.....Ezra I need you to buy me some paints and use your own money


Sabine:go right now!!

Ezra runs off to get some paints

Sabine:and for you

Kanan:oh no

Three days later


Kanan appears in a tuxedo

Hera:wow never thought I'd see the day you'd be wearing that

Kanan grins

Kanan:I'm full of surprises

Sabine:anyways he's my servant so go wake up zeb and call him master

Kanan:*rolled eyes* yea,yea*leaves*

Sabine:have you seen Ezra?

Hera:no..I think he locked himself in his and zebs room cause he couldn't handle a day without flirting with you.....

Zeb and kanan appear

Zeb:what is it?

Sabine:I  just wanted to give orders

Zeb: *sighns*

Kanan:welcome to the club

Sabine:now that I think of it Ezra hasn't given me my paints

Kanan: fine....I'll go.. Get them *leaves*

Zeb:chopper go get me a glass of water

Chopper grumbles something

Zeb:ah....Hera what did he say

Hera:....um......"your mom"

Zeb:well what about my mother??

Chopper laughs

Zeb looks at Hera

Hera:he said you can..go....F.  Yourself...

Zeb:why you.*grabes chopper* were going to play a nice game...a game I call hit the flying rust bucket *leaves*

Hera:why do I even bother?

Sabine:well...because if you were my here then this ship would be no more ship. Cause kanan dose a bad job...Ezra could probably kill all of us without even trying and zeb,...he probably sleep the day away.

Kanan:I'm back *gives paints to Sabine*

Hera:what is that?

Kanan: I...I just bumped into someone who was carrying a nife that's all..,.

Sabine:wow.,.....*face plam* you might wanna fix that up


Ezra comes out

Ezra:so....how do you do?

Hera:everything right now is just peachy


Ezra:OK.....then....I guess......so now what

Sabine:Hera you and kanan stay outside


Kanan and Hera go outside

Sabine:so you have to put stickers all over the inside of the ghost

Ezra: agh!!but I wasted my money...on- I mean

Sabine: -_- *gives him my little phony stickers* :P

Ezra start placing the sticker inside the ghost


Kanan:you sense that to?

Hera:when it comes to my ship yes....I'm guessing something I won't like...

Kanan: are you going to punish the people who did it?

Hera:I don't know

Inside the ship

Ezra:done...every space and inch just done

Sabine:Hera kanan!!you can come in


kanan steps away from Hera

Kanan: :-/

Ezra; ?

Sabine: !?

Hera walks over into a corner and gose into a ball

Ezra:oh snap I think we broke Hera.

Kanan shakes Hera



Ezra:mayday!!mayday!! Our pilots down!!

Kanan:shut it!!


Ezra and Sabine,kanan:ahhh!!

Hera: got yea

Ezra:oh thank god your okay I didn't wanna be stuck with kanan


KANAN: i cri

Hera:come on you know he's joking


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