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D e m i

Lord... Sleep does not exist for me does it. It is six in the mother freaking morning. "Demi wake up you have to go babysit at the Waters' home" my mother yelled from her room. I sigh before getting up and throwing on some sweats and long sleeve shirt. I sit on the bed and slip on my converses.

"Remind me again why I have to babysit this early" I ask my mom as I grab a banana. "Because Mr. And Mrs. Waters have to leave early" I reall outside and pull my bike off of the wall. Yes I know it's sad I am 19 and don't have a car yet but not everyone has money like that.

I am saving up though. I finally arrive and knock on the door. "Hello Demi nice to see you again" I smiled kindly and stepped into their home. "Nice to see you too Mrs. Waters" she scoffed. "I am not going to tell you again, please call me Donna"

I let out a little giggle. "Well Elijah Is upstairs playing on that thing again" she waved before her and Mr. Waters left. I jogged up the stairs to see the ten 15 year old playing on his Playstation. "What up sexy thang" he said as he turned around to face me. "Please" I scoffed.
"Man I am bored" Elijah said coming down the stairs. I was currently on the living room watching American Horror Story. "Come here papa head" I said wing my hand in a beckoning motion.

"What the hell does that mean" he sat next to me taking the popcorn from my lap, I just laugh. "I have an idea" I pull out my Phone and dial a number. "Hello this is Nate speaking" a voice said through the phone. "Ah yes I have this Chico here and he is bored, mind picking us up?"

"Nope, be there in 10."
"Dude your car is sick" Elijah said running his hands on the leather seats of Skate's car. "Thanks got it two months ago" he patted the wheel. I laughed loudly, "so where to" Skate said.

"Carlo's Game Center" I rolled my eyes. It's a local place with all types of activities.
• • •
Name change... From Vanessa to Demi.

And the beautiful Ashley Moore is playing her. She's queen.

Hope you like this chapter(:

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