How did he do this?

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The four of us then got back into the Jeeps and setted off again.

"What do you think so far Olivia?" Hammond asked me, catching me off guard a little.

I just smiled. "I think this is absolutely amazing! You don't often find me speechless but, oh my god! I love it!"

Hammond laughed. "Well, I hope you'll like what else we have in store."

I smiled as we started coming up to the main compound. 'If the rest of the tour is going to be like that, then I'm going to absolutely love it!' I thought to myself as the Jeeps stopped.

As the Jeeps stopped, I climbed out and excitedly walked to dad who smiled at me. "You ok?"

I just nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. I can't wait to see what else there is."

He chuckled and kissed me on my head before we followed Hammond inside with the others. When the doors opened, I couldn't help but gaze in awe. The lobby is huge, and in the middle stands the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex that is attacking another dinosaur, with a banner behind it saying 'WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH!'

"The most advanced amusement park in the world, combining all the latest technologies. And I;m not just talking about rides you know. Everybody has rides. No, we've made a living biological attraction, so astonishing, they'll capture the imagination of the entire planet!"

I look up at dad as we walk up the stairs and see him shaking his head as he's looking around. Ellie also notices. "What are you thinking?" She asks.

Dad laughs slightly. "I think we're out of a job."

"Don't you mean 'extinct'?" Malcolm asks as he walks over to us.

I just look at him as I laugh. "That was a lame joke do you know that!"

He just smiled at me as he shrugged. "I try." Then walked on ahead.

A couple of minutes later we walk into what looked like a showroom. Malcolm, Ellie, dad, Braedey and I sat at the front while Gennaro sat behind us. When I looked at the screen, I got confused when the image of Hammond walked up. "Hello." The screen John said as he stopped. The real Hammond started fumbling in his pockets for some cards that he pulled out. "Fine I guess! But, what am I doing here?"

After Hammond found his place he answered. "Here, let me show you. First I'll need a drop of blood, your blood." Hammond then reached over and pretended to poke a needle into Screen John's finger. "Ouch! John that hurt!"

"Relax John. It's all part of the miracle of cloning." Hammond explained as all of a sudden The John on screen multiplied to about 3-4 and continued.

"Cloning from what? Loy extraction has never recreated an intact DNA strand!" Dad said as the four of us huddled together.

"Not without massive sequence gaps!" Malcolm pointed out.

"Paleo-DNA? From what source?" Ellie started to ask.

"But where do you get 100 million year old blood from?" I finished.

Gennaro then told us to shush as a cartoon of a DNA strand appeared on the screen.

"Oh, Mr. DNA, where did you come from?" Screen Hammond asked.

"From your blood. Just one drop of your blood contains billions of strands of DNA, the building blocks of life!" The DNA explained. It then goes on to say about how mosquitoes would suck the blood from dinosaurs and then get stuck in some sap, which we call amber. The scientists then extract the blood from the mosquito, and because the blood is so old the DNA strand has holes, so they replace the holes with the DNA of frogs."

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