The Attack & Going Home

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The three of us get up and rush to the kitchens. "Quick, run down and hide behind the second aisle!" I exclaim quietly to Lex and Tim.

They run down as I run to the light panel, switches off the lights, sending us into semi-darkness, makes sure the door is shut properly before darting down the first aisle and crouch down behind it in time as the Velociraptor pokes its nose through the circle window on the door.

I manage to peak my head round and watch in horror as I see the door handle turn by itself and the door opens slightly. I pull my head back round so I'm not spotted. 'Oh no...that's's learnt how to open doors...' I think to myself, my body full of fear.

"Olivia, what is it?" Lex whispers to me.

"A Velociraptor." I whisper back not daring to move.

"It's inside..."

As we wait, the silence is suddenly broken by loud barking sound coming from the dinosaur. After a while, it stops and then I hear the growling from a different Velociraptor. 'Oh great...there's two!' I think in horror.

I look to Tim and Lex and wave my hand indicating for them to move. Lex leads the way, crawling down the third aisle with Tim.

As I move to follow them, I see one of the Velociraptors walking down the second aisle towards me. I hide back behind the aisle with my legs drawn as tight to my body as possible and my head buried in them as I can hear both Raptors walking towards me on either side.

I suddenly hear pots and pans falling from on top of the second aisle and hear both of the Raptors stop for a moment. I immediately start worrying for the other two. Just then, what sounds like a metal spoon clatters to the ground, making both Raptors stop again.

I hear the Raptor on the first aisle jump up on top of the counting and makes its way back up. Then I suddenly freeze as the Raptor on the second aisle actually walks past me and up the third aisle, amazingly it didn't see me.

Once I know I'm clear of the Raptors, I quietly crawl around and sit on the first aisle waiting there.

After a short while, I suddenly hear a tapping noise nearby. I look round and see Lex tapping one of the utensils on the floor to get the attention of one of the Raptors, then crawls into a cupboard behind her, she tries to shut it but the doors stuck. I hear one of the Raptors running down the aisle and then suddenly see it as it crashes into the metal surface as it saw Lex's reflection, and falls to the ground semi-concious.

Lex takes this chance to get out and crawl away while I crawl up the first aisle to get away from the Raptor in case it comes round.

Two minutes later, I hear feet and claws running on the floor. I look over the top and see Tim running into the walk in freezer, the second Raptor right behind him. I see Tim and the Raptor fall as they run into the freezer. Lex and I run over and as Tim manages to get out, Lex and I shut the door only to have the Raptors head in way.

After a while of pushing, the head finally retreats and Lex puts a pin through the handle to keep it locked in as it roars and screams from inside. Lex then grabs Tim and the three of us run back out of the kitchen towards the restaurant. None of us knowing that the first Raptor has regained conciousness and watched us run out.

As we run into the restaurant, we see dad, Braedey and Ellie rushing to us. Lex and Tim rush to Ellie and I grab hold of dad. Braedey had a shotgun in his hand.

"It's in there!" I exclaim pointing to the kitchen.

"Where to?" Braedey asks.

"Control Room." Ellie says as we make our way out and to the control room.

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