Life Found A Way

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We had all climbed down from the tree and were walking through the forest again.

"Oh, great. Now she'll never try anything new! She'll just sit in her room and never come out and play with her computer." Tim said sounding annoyed.

"I'm a hacker!" Lex informed us.

"That's what I said! You're a nerd!"

"I'm not a nerd. I prefer to be called a hacker!"

It was then I turned and noticed dad and Braedey had stopped a bit ago. "Dad. Braedey, what's wrong?" I asked as we all walked over to him, I then saw what made him stop. In the hole of a fallen tree was a nest of hatched dinosaur eggs.

"You know what this is?" Dad said as he picked up one of the eggs. "It's a dinosaur egg. The dinosaurs are breeding."

"But, my grandpa said all the dinosaurs were girls." Tim protested.

"The amphibian DNA." Braedey suddenly realised.

"What's that?" Lex asked.

"Well, on the tour, the film said they used frog DNA to fill in the gene sequence gaps. They mutated the dinosaur's genetic code and blended it with that of frogs. Now, some West African frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female, in a single sex environment. Dr. Malcolm was right all along. Look."

He pointed away from the nest. As we looked, we saw little footprints in the dirt leading away from the nest.

"Life found a way!" I said.

Dad and Braedey nodded to me as he stood up and we continued walking on.


After what seemed like forever, we were finally out of the forest and half way across an open field.

"I'm tired, I'm hot." Tim complained as we walked across the field.

"The visitor's centre should be just about a mile beyond that rise there. If we keep-" Dad was then interrupted as we heard a cry and about a dozen or so dinosaurs came running across the field. "What is that? Tim, Can you tell me what they are?"


"Erm, are those, meat eating? Meatasauruses?" Lex asked sounding scared.

Dad was just watching the Gallimimus as they ran. "Look at the wheeling, the uniform direction change! Like a flock of birds evading a predator!" Dad exclaimed sounding excited, which I knew why.

Tim, Lex, Braedey and I suddenly starting backing away. "They uh, they're flocking this way." We then turned and ran, dad right behind us.

I take Tim's hand as dad holds mine and Lex's hands so that we wouldn't get split up by the flock. Braedey sprinted like he was in a running race, which he loves. As we were running, we jumped over a log and crouched down to avoid getting trampled on by the jumping dinosaurs.

When they had passed, we crawled under the log and poked over the top to watch the dinosaurs. All of a sudden, we heard a loud roar, and the T-Rex crashed through the trees and tackled one of the Gallimimus to the ground and bites into it, making its kill. Dad and Tim are staring at it in wonder.

"I wanna go now." Lex whispered.

"Watch how it eats!" Dad says quietly.


"Bet you'll never look at birds the same way again!"

"Yes..." Tim manages to get out as he stares.

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