Attack Of The T-Rex

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Night had soon arrived and a storm had arrived as we were in the cars, on our way back to the visitor centre. We were riding past the T-Rex paddock when the cars decided to stop and everything inside hut down.

"Ok, what did dad touch now?" I said as I looked behind me to see the other car had stopped.

Gennaro looked at me. "What do you mean, what did you father touch now?"

I smiled. "Whenever my dad touches any machine, it either messes up or shut downs. Machine's don't like him."

Lex and Tim laughed while Gennaro shook his head and tried getting through to the visitor centre via the radio, which didn't work.

"So what, we're just stuck here?" I asked as Gennaro fell back into his seat.

"That's all we can do for now until the power comes back or someone come back for us."

I just nodded and sat back while talking to Lex.

A while later my door opened and dads head popped in. "Is your radio working?"

Gennaro leaned over to talk to him. "No, everything just stopped working. I suggest we just stay put for now."

Alan nodded and started to leave. "Hey dad." I said getting his attention.

He poked his head back in. "Yeah?"

"What did you touch this time?" I joked with a smile.

He slapped me playfully, shut the door and left to the other car, Lex and Tim laughing again.

We were sat in silence for about 5 minutes when Tim suddenly jumped in between Gennaro and I with goggles over his eyes, scaring all 3 of us.

"Where did you find those?" Gennaro asked indicating the goggles.

"In a box under my seat." Tim said as he pulled them off.

"Are they heavy?"

Tim shook them a little feeling the weight. "Yeah."

"Then they're expensive, put them back." He then leaned his head back on the chair and closed his eyes.

Lex smacked Tim with her hat. "Don't scare me."

Tim ignored her as he crawled on the shelf of the trunk of the car and looked through the goggles. "Cool night vision."

I sat back in my seat and looked out of the window, watching the rain falling on the glass.

A few moments later, I heard a slight thumping, but not thinking anything on it, I didn't say anything. It kept continuing, and I was not the only one who heard it.

"Can you hear that?" Tim said. He leaned forward in between Gennaro and me to see the cup of water on the dashboard of the car. I also looked and saw the water in the cup was rippling, forming neat circles on the top.

"Maybe it's the power coming back on." Gennaro suggested not sounding too sure.

"I don't think that's the power...too big..."

Tim then crawled onto the back of the car to look out. Gennaro, Lex and I also looked out of the car windows towards the T-Rex paddock and we saw that the goat that was tied up was gone...the rope was still hanging.

"Where's the goat?" Lex asked.

All of a sudden, we heard this big bang. I looked up and screamed when we saw a bloodied leg on the see through roof.

I looked back outside a while later as I heard a creaking. I saw the T-Rex rearing up, half of the goat hanging from its mouth, it throws its huge head back and the goat goes down it's throat. I just stare in horror.

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