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"Hey,Dean! Wake up!" Paige whisper yells,Shaking her boyfriend wildly. He groans and rolls over to face her,Peeking one eye open. "What?" He asks. "It's time." She smiles. "It's...Four in the morning." He whines.


"Ovulating,Yes I know." He sighs. "Look,I'm worn out babe. We've done it seven times today. I don't think I've got anything else to give." "We've only been trying to have a baby for two months and you're already whining." Paige growls.

"Yeah I'm tired. You've been riding me like a cowgirl all day and then you wake me up in the middle of the night wanting more? Hell no. I'm not a machine,I need my rest." 

"Oh and you think I'm not tired? I'm sore as shit and my stomach hurts from all the back arching I've been doing because I know how sexy you think that it. And I think I pulled an arm muscle." Paige sighs. "But if we want a baby,We're gonna have to work hard. Now I'm giving you twenty minutes to watch some porn and get it up,And then we're gonna do it like wild animals. Again." Paige spats.

Dean rolls his eyes before shaking his head. 

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