Neth Bellins

635 15 3

Seth sighed as he watched his girlfriend cry and handed her another tissue. She sniffled a little before looking him. "I'm sorry." She cries.


"Why do bad things always happen to good people?!" She sobs. "You didn't deserve this."


"You were at the top! Wwe world heavyweight champion! Everyone knew your name! And now-now-" she cut herself off by breaking into another fit of sobs. "It's.all.ruined." She breathed out.

Often, Nikki was quite over dramatic about things, and this happens to be one of those things. Seth is used to it by now, but nonetheless this is still a bit extreme, even for her.

"Nikki,baby listen to me. Things could be worse you know. I'm out for a few months,yeah, but at least it wasn't a career ending injury. And I'm not even in pain." He smiles slightly. Her sobbing decreases but her sniffles and short gasps a breath continue. "It just isn't fair." She whines.

"I know but I'm strong right? I'll be fine. I'll come back better than ever, people won't even believe I ever had an injury. I'll be like a robot in that ring. And add kicking robot." He chuckles.

"I guess you're right." She sighs. "It's've worked so hard to get here and even harder to stay and just...I never really even considered the possibility that you could ever get injured. I just thought you were like a superhero. It's like you we're invincible. I just couldn't imagine you getting injured so to hear the news was just so...odd. I'm sorry, Maybe instead of crying I should be trying to comfort you." She sighs.

"It's okay. You're right. I didn't think I'd get injured either. I haven't been seriously injured in a long time so it's a foreign feeling. But this was a long time coming,I guess. Working so hard for so long takes a toll on your body, and as much as I wish I never had to stop, I do. This will be a good time for me to just take a break and relax and let my oft recuperate. I can catch up on my rest and I can have more time to myself and I Can do thins I couldn't do on tour. When you're not working, we can spend a lot more time together. It's bittersweet." Seth shrugs. Nikki nods and grabs his hand, looking at him worriedly.

"Do you want me to take some time off? You've gotta have this surgery and I need to be there to help you-"

"No. You don't need to take any time off for me." He smiles, rubbing her hand with his thumb. "I'll be perfectly fine. As long as you eventually come back home to me, I'll be fine."

"Alright...but if,God forbid, anything goes wrong after your surgery I'm taking these six to nine months off just to stay home and help you out." Nikki warns him. "And please,please promise me you won't overdue yourself. Give yourself time to heal properly, don't rush and don't push yourself. Please."

"I promise I won't. I'll make sure that I heal at a good pace, but I won't overworked overwhelm myself. I promise." He smiles.


"Nikki, please sit down. You've been running around all day doing things for me that I can do for myself." Seth chuckles. A week after his surgery and she was still treating him like he was just being wheeled out of the hospital. She'd cooked his favorite foods for him, cleaned their entire house, and even offered to help him bathe. He appreciated her but this was all unnecessary and if she didn't quit running around frantically for him, she'd be too tired to actually wrestle when it was time for her to get in the ring tomorrow.

"You're going to miss your flight if you're not out of this house in the next ten minutes." He warns her.

"I don't give a damn." She sasses before stopping in front of him and placing her hands on her hip. "I do not want to leave. You need me here."

"I really don't." He laughs.

"Yes you do." She insists. "Who's gonna cook for you? Who's gonna clean for you? Who'll wash your clothes or part your hair for you? Who will trim your beard and wipe your glasses off for you?"

"I will." He states simply. "Honey I'm a grown man, I'm perfectly capable of doing all that stuff myself. I'm not In a full body cast you know." He smirks.

"You will be if you keep back talking me." Nikki grumbles. Seth holds his hands up in defense. "Sorry mama."

She rolls her eyes at him before leaning down to peck his lips. "I love you,alright? I just wanna make sure you'll be alright."

"I will be. I promise. Just trust me." He smiles. She nods. "I trust you. Don't destroy anything while I'm gone." She giggles.

"No promises."

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