THE Early Morning

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As Madison woken up to her very creepypasta alarm clock. It was very alarming due to the fact that a she is 17and on a bunk bed"shit" was her first reaction when she fell of her bed." Good job Maddie " . As Madison carried out her usual routine at 5:30 in the morning . She hurrly left out to the woods where she lived to go down quarter mile gravel driveway. With her daily outfit that is black jeans, combat boots, and sweatshirt. She waited at the driveway for 15 minutes waiting for the bus... Reading listening to Panic at the disco and waiting. Sadly her car we recked thanks to stepsister and a dear. One thing she did know was something was watching her. .. Sorry SOMEONE. .. She had a feeling when she was 13 just brushed it off knowing that her herself was reading to many Creepypasta stories.
A messing from her friend Emma her only friend

"I wont be coming to school"

"Wht the fuck. WHYYY?"


"LOL. Ok see you later bringing you cookies"

"Yea. See you have fun bye"


This conversation left Madison dying of laughter. Soon she realized that she would have no one at school. Being the freak she is one really excepted her. Fhen she realized one more thing . She would have to show the new kid Jeff around. Ha Jeff ha creepypasta. These thoughts made her laugh again.

Within this period her bus shows up. Great another day.
"Hello Madison" said Russ her bus driver.

"Hey Russ. Did you get the new stop for the nee kid Jeff"

"Yep he's right after you"

"Great. Does he ride in the afternoon. ?"

Yep was the end of the conversation. She talked to Danny a person who was friends with Emma. So u can say she is Madison's friend but they dont talk like Emma and Madison do so I dont know.

Jeff's stop. GREEEEAT.

"Jeff over here" Madison says without looking up away from her sketch pad.

"Hi" Jeff says looking at you and your sketch pad " What are you drawing"

"Creepy stuff. Creepypasta stuff like that. Its a collage. Off to crappy school, Hope you're prepared. "

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