the car

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C.H.P-*wam* Jeff is punched in the face. The offender in this was Kristen boyfriend. Alex.
"What the fuck. Why cant you just die."
"Oh babe you know I like to make people die."
"DONT CALL ME BABE. YOUR AN ASSHOLE.. Come on jeff lets go... NOW". Madison and Jeff made a run for the locker.
As soon as the high school got out, Madison pondered the thought of Jeff. As did Jeff pondered about Madison. As these thoughts went through each others head. They arrived at the school gates. Madison bolted for Les swabl (idk and dc. All rights reserved).
"Madison, why are we running. "
"Because the human bean(a.r.r and best place for coffee) will be backed up if we dont hurry."
As the two teens arrived at the auto shop, they were greeted by a man.
"Hello Miss Barone. Here to pick up red I presume. (My trucks name is red get over it)"
" I am here to pick up red"
"You know what to do" The man stated.
Thank you was all she said as she approached a 2003 Ford F150. ( they exist, I own one)
"Come on Jeff I need coffee. "


Sorry this may seem like a filler but its important to the
Plot line
Sorry I haven't been updating. I been talking to my counselor and they both think I have cronic depression.
Also because your master is lazy I may be really busy. I dont do my homework so I have ALOT of missing homework assignments. .
I PROCRASTINATE LIKE A PRO ( oh wait I am a pro)
Thats all for now my beautiful minions

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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