transfer bus

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As Madison and Jeff had a conversation down the mountain, they talked about creepypasta.  It was strange that some one like Jeff who would be popular like something that a nobody likes.  Being the stupid girl Madison is she never saw Jeff's beautiful figure.  His gorgeous blue eyes with his black shoulder length hair. He was every dream Madison EVER wished in a guy. Maybe even better. Not realizing that she stopped in the middle of a sentence. Jeff cleared his throat
"Eh hem, is there something on my face "
"Im sorry I just... never mind"

Continuing the conversation they arrived at the middle school
"Is this the high school? "
" No we get on a transfer bus to get to the high school.  Its like 5 miles from here"
"Ohh. So how is the education at the high school?"
" You're going to a new school and you are worried about the education.  You obviously don't know the town well." Madison states trying to hold back laughter. . To late.
She just ends up laughing , soon Jeff too is laughing.  All they get is stares from the middle school students. The transfer bus soon arrives. As all the hormonal teens board the bus , Madison makes a statement, " There is alot more then education to worry about."

forever undead (Jeff the killer)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن