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At U.N.I.T things were all systems go to find out what or who was behind this master plan.
They were searching for anything similar happening on a mother planet or any unusual disturbances,but nothing was found.
"What do we do now?" Asked Kate
"Have you tried contacting the doctor?" Replied Clara
"No not yet"
"Then do now ! Quickly go.. go ..."
Kate hopped right to it.
Ring ring, ring ring.
"Hello!" Said the Doctor.
"How can i help?"
"Doctor this is Kate, there's currently an alien attack happening on Earth and we need your help,we can't find out who or what is doing this?!"
"Doctor?, doctor?"
" Yes sorry I was just thinking,now what do you want me to do?"
Questioned the Doctor.
" could you possibly find out what's up there?" Kate asked.
" of course,of course,I'll get back to you ASAP. Now where's clara? Is she safe?" Said the Doctor in a concerned voice.
" She's fine she's with us,she's helping find out what's going on."
Replied Kate
"Ok, now keep her safe, bye !" The Doctor put the phone down and Kate told clara what he'd said.

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