saviour of the human race

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"Vwoorp Vwoorp" The Doctor decided to go back in time to roughly half an hour before the attack happened. The doctor was determined to find out where the cybermen had hit first and why?.
"What are u doing here?"Asked the Doctor.
"We have come to repopulate"
"Yes yes yes I know that,but why now, why are you almost extinct?"
"The cybermen have been in a war with the daleks for thousands of years in a hidden pocket universe. Now we have escaped to destroy humans to repopulate and upgrade ourselves to help win the war."
"Right ok, here's my question,
Why haven't they daleks won already?, there the most deadly fighting warrior ever!"
"That is for us to know and you to find out!
There is only one thing left to do if our plan is to succeed"
"And what is that exactly?"
The Doctor had been killed by the cybermen. No signs regeneration no nothing.
"We have destroyed the saviour of the Earth and it's humans,our plan must succeed !"

Saviour of the human race- a doctor who fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now