Bang and the dirt is gone...

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Back on Earth the real clara, was  tied to a table in a TARDIS. DEAD. But this was  not the doctors this TARDIS was missys.


"Give me back my timelord data cloud"
"Never !" Claimed the cyber- leader.
"Fine then I guess I'll have to get it myself then. Oh and just one more thing,"
"And what might that be ?" Asked a cyberman
"Say something nice ... please ?"
"Something nice" sarcastically said the cyber leader.
'Bang' Missy had destroyed every last cyberman on the ship.
" that's for being sarcastic little shits"
Said missy sharpishly.
Missy was about to start running to go find her data cloud when suddenly.
Gone. She dissapeared. She had just mysteriously vanished but she hadn't just gone. She had been erased from time altogether. No one knew who she was,because she never existed.

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