All of a sudden...

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All of a sudden "vwoosh" the doctor Kate, and sarah all appeared back at U.N.I.T Base and the cybermen flew away. The Doctor was confused.
"But I died ?" Said Kate
"Yes so did I ! " replied the doctor
"Now, the only logical explanation is someone had got in to there timelord data cloud and chucked everyone out again.
Apart from Missy

Silence. Then, all of a sudden
The Doctor gave a rather worried look to Kate.
He shouted.
"Someone better tell me right now !"
"Im here, doctor don't worry.
Clara walked in, unharmed with no clear scratches or cuts.
"I where have you been?" Asked the Doctor.
"Oh you know just around."

"See you guys later then said Kate but the doctor and clara left without saying a word back.

Saviour of the human race- a doctor who fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now